

Study on the Micro-blog of Anhui’s Government Affairs

【作者】 李珂

【导师】 包鹏程; 朱晓凯;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 新闻与传播学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 被称为“微博政务元年”的2011年悄然而过,中国的政务微博随之而来在各地各部门都开花结果。安徽省政务微博在经历了两年的适应期,逐渐找到了自身的价值,也在大大小小的突发事件的围追堵截中渐渐成长起来。从总体上看,政务微博在社会管理创新、督促政府信息公开、树立良好的政府形象和人民参与政治等方面越来越为人民所关注。分析安徽省政务微博的现状和发展趋势,并把其同具体案例结合起来研究是对现实关切的积极回应。截至2012年12月31日,安徽省政务微博的数量、影响力的相关数据不断被刷新。政府微博的不断壮大,使得人民群众更多地了解政府信息、也更多地参与到与政府的互动当中。因此,研究安徽省政务微博的现状与特征具有重要的现实意义,这不仅可以提升安徽省政务微博的传播力和影响力,也可以使政府更密切地联系群众,在政府行使权力和服务人民的过程中更公平公正。目前,安徽省政务微博的日常运营趋于标准化、制度化,逐渐发展出“循规蹈矩”的运营模式,进入到平稳发展、务实的应用阶段。与此同时,大量的政府机构运营的微博由最初的单纯追求粉丝数量,转变到对粉丝质量和微博影响力的重视。应对突发案件,政府只要及时、准确地发布信息就能显现出工作成效,而突发案件一经曝光,就在众人的喧哗声中争议不断,由关注原本想通过新媒体“伸冤”的受害者,到后来事情走向越来越不受传播者控制,关注的焦点也越来越模糊。不可否认,政府在使用新媒体排除争议,彰显正义的过程中还处于初始阶段,但这短暂的发声也促使安徽省政务微博在转变态度,寻找定位上受益良多。政府的舆情应对尝试已使其在网络舆论场中产生了一定的“话语权”。也再次证明,信息的及时透明,态度坦诚是解决公众质疑和提升政府公信力的最好手段。应对大众舆论,必须对建设官博平台高度重视,线下的政府信息采集也是其中不可或缺的一部分。没有政府信息的汇总和流通,微博也只是无源之水,无根之木,在信息庞杂的网络上很快消失,根本无力歼灭谣言。本文以新浪微博上的安徽省政务微博为研究对象,并结合具体案例(@安徽公安在线、“合肥少女毁容案”)对微博的传播方式和效果进行分析,阐述了政务微博传播和塑造安徽省政府形象方面的过程。通过整理数据、分析案例和内容分析等方法总结了安徽省政务微博出现的问题和面临的挑战。这些问题和挑战不断地促使安徽省政务微博网的形成。也给政务微博运营的科学化和制度化创造了机遇。要战胜挑战和突破困境,政府部门应总结和借鉴部分优秀的政务微博应对突发事件的经验,逐步统一安徽省政务微博的运营原则,从而更好地建立健全微博运营机制提升政务微博应对突发舆情的应对技巧。

【Abstract】 Known as "microblogging government first year" in2011quietly However, the Chinese government microblogging attendant in all localities and departments to fruition. After a two-year adaptation period, and gradually find their worth in large and small emergencies besieged began to grow. On the whole, the the government microblogging social management innovation, urging the government information disclosure, and establish a good image of the government and people’s participation in political and other aspects of growing concern for the people. Situation and development trend analysis of government micro-Bo, and with specific case studies combined with the positive response of real concern.As of December31,2012, the Anhui government microblogging number of influential data is constantly being refreshed. The government microblogging growing, makes the masses of the people to learn more about government information, which also more involved in the interaction with the government. Therefore, the study the government microblogging status and characteristics of Anhui Province has important practical significance, which can not only enhance the Anhui government microblogging spread of power and influence, but also enable the Government to closer ties with the masses, the government of the powers and services the people process more fair. At present, Anhui Province, the day-to-day operations of the government microblogging become standardized, institutionalized and gradually developed a "conformist" business model. Institutionalized benefit from government agencies regulate the operation of all aspects of the formation into the stable development of the practical application stage. At the same time, a large number of government agencies operating microblogging number of fans from the initial pursuit, the transition to the fan of quality and influence of microblogging attention.Deal with unexpected cases, as long as the government timely, accurate release of information will be able to show the effectiveness of the work, in this case, upon exposure, controversy in the hubbub of the crowd, had wanted from a concern by the new media "redress of grievances" of the victims, Later things toward independent of communicators control, the focus is increasingly blurred. Admittedly, the government in the process of using new media to exclude controversial pursuit of justice is still in the initial stage, but this is a short audible also contributed to the microblogging government of Anhui Province in the change of attitude, looking for positioning benefited. The public opinion of the government response to try it had a certain right to speak in the field of network public opinion. Proved once again that the information timely and transparent and frank attitude is the best means to solve questioned by the public and to enhance the credibility of the government. Respond to public opinion, we must attach great importance to the building official blog platform line government information collection is an integral part of government information aggregation and distribution, microblogging is just a river without water, a tree without roots soon disappear in the heterogeneous network information, can not afford to wipe out the rumors.Sina microblogging government in Anhui Province as the research object, combined with specific cases (@Anhui Public Security Online, Hefei girl disfigured case ") microblogging mode of transmission and effects analysis of the spread of government micro-Bo and the process of shaping the image of the government of Anhui Province. Finishing data, analysis, case studies and content analysis summarizes the the Anhui government microblogging problems and challenges. These problems and challenges continue to procure the government microblogging network formation in Anhui Province. To create opportunities for the government microblogging operators scientific and institutionalized. To overcome these challenges and overcome difficulties, government departments summarize and draw some outstanding government microblog and experience to respond to emergencies, the progressive unification of the operating principles of the Anhui Provincial government micro-Bo, in order to better establish and improve the microblogging operating mechanism and enhance microblogging government response to the sudden public opinion coping skills.

【关键词】 安徽省政务微博概况突发事件
【Key words】 Anhui government micro-BoOverviewdissemination
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D63
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1219

