

Study on the Disabled Elderly Care Services in Hefei

【作者】 谢倩

【导师】 罗遐;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 老龄化问题是世界各国普遍面临的问题,老年阶段也是人生的必经阶段,随着老龄化趋势的加重,老年人口越来越多,老人由于疾病或是身体功能的老化会导致生活自理能力下降,需要他人的护理。以往我国都是依靠传统的家庭养老方式,失能老人都是在家由家人进行照顾,养儿防老的观念早已深入人心。但是家庭结构随着时代的发展而发生了变化,国家实行的计划生育政策让家庭成员越来越少,一对年轻夫妻有时要一边工作一边赡养四个甚至八个老人,各种各样的情况导致后代无法对失能的长辈进行很好的护理。长期护理服务是解决失能老人晚年生活的较佳途径。失能老人长期护理服务工作的开展完善对失能老人生活福祉,我国社会保障制度的完善与发展都具有非常重要的意义。本文通过对我国老年人口的总体情况和安徽省老年人口基本状况的介绍,引出开展失能老人护理服务工作的必要性。合肥作为安徽省的省会,位于江淮之间,巢湖之滨,是皖江城市带的核心城市,更是长三角的重要经济中心。2010年统计的人口数据显示,失能老人占老年人口总数的19%,失能群体数量庞大。由于年龄越大,失能的概率越高,合肥在1997年就进入了老龄化社会,目前拥有一百万以上的老年人,护理服务问题亟待解决。文章分析了合肥市目前老年护理服务工作开展的情况,包括提出让大部分老年群体进行居家护理和小部分老年群体进行机构护理。居家护理服务是指政府依靠社会的力量,主要是依靠社区,为在家的老人提供护理服务。机构护理则是把这种服务形式搬到了养老机构。笔者在充分了解合肥市老年护理服务情况的基础上,借助入户调查和进入机构调查的方法,对失能老人的基本信息、护理状况、精神状况进行了实地调查,将这些结果汇总,运用spss18.0软件对调研结果进行分析总结,发现现有的护理方式、护理费用及护理服务标准不能满足失能老人的护理需求,提出通过相关措施来完善失能老人护理服务的工作。包括提出政府主导、社会参与的方式,政府应该理顺体制和机制,明确规定合肥市失能老人护理服务工作的目标、任务,支持、吸引社会团体开办护理服务机构;建立完善护理保险制度,将服务费用纳入养老保障体系当中,构建一个有效的经济保障来解决护理费用问题;培养合格的相关人才,包括专业的管理人员和服务人员,为护理服务配备最合格的人才等措施。当前正是我国社会保障事业不断完善发展的阶段,合肥市失能老人护理服务工作的完善不仅仅能更好地给老人提供生活质量和福利水平,还会推进我国社会保障事业的发展与进步。

【Abstract】 The aging problem is a worldwide problem, old age is the necessary stage of life, with the increase of aging trend, more and more elderly population, due to disease or the aging T he elderly body functions will lead to decline in daily living, they need for the care of others. We were always relying on traditional family pension before, families take care of disabled elderly at home, the concept of raising children for old age has long been popular. But the family structure has changed with the development of the times, the country’s family planning policy lead fewer and fewer family members, sometimes a young couple will support for four or even eight elderly while they have work to do, a variety of situations result that the young can’t take care of their disabled parents finely. Long-term care service is a good way to help the disabled elderly in old age. Long-term care service for disabled elderly has very important significance for the disabled elderly and the improvement and development of China’s social security systemThe article introduced the overall situation of China’s elderly population and the basic situation elderly population in Anhui Province, leads to the need to establish Long-term care service for disabled elderly. Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province, located between the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, it’s the core city of the Wanjiang Zone, and the important economic center in the Yangtze River Delta. Population statistics data by2010show that the the disabled elderly accounted for19%of the total elderly population, the large number of disability groups. The greater the age, the higher the probability of disability, Hefei entered the aging society in1997, has more than one million elderly now, care issues need to be solved. The article analyzed the aged care services work in Hefei, Including let most of the older age groups take home care and the small part use institutional care. Home care services is that the government provides care for the elderly at home relies on the strength of the society, mainly relying on the community. Institutional care moves the form of service pension in to institutions. I have learned the basic situation of aged care services in Hefei plenty, through household surveys and Institutional surveys, conducted a field survey on the basic information of the disabled elderly, nursing, mental status, I summarized these results then analyzed and summarized by using spss18.0software, found that the existing care, cost of care and nursing services standards can not meet the demand for care of the disabled elderly, and put forward to establish a comprehensive disability care for the elderly. Including the pattern of government-led and social participation, the Government should rationalize the system and mechanism and define objectives, tasks of disabled elderly care work in Hefei, support to attract the public to set up care institutions; Establishing and improving the care insurance system, care costs are included in the pension system which to build an effective economic security to solve the problem of the cost of care; Training qualified personnel, including professional management and service personnel with the best qualified staff for care services. It’s the constantly improving development stage of our social security, building Long-term care service for disabled elderly in Hefei not only give better quality of life and level of benefits to the elderly, but also to promote the development and progress of our social security.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

