

From Callowness to Maturity

【作者】 刘晓歌

【导师】 苏晓玉;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 乔治·艾略特(1819---1880),英国小说家、记者、翻译家及维多利亚时代最富盛名的作家之一。她的小说以现实主义和心理描写见长。作为文学史上重要的人物,乔治·艾略特始终关注着人类的生存状况,对于19世纪出现的各种道德和精神混乱状态充满了无比的忧患,女性的成长状况是她作品中不可或缺的因素。乔治·艾略特一生创作了大量的作品。其中,1872年完稿的小说《米德尔马契》占据着重要的位置,使她成为19世纪最有影响力的作家之一。在《米德尔马契》这部小说中,艾略特描绘了维多利亚时代女性的生活状况,小说以描写女性的成长而著名。与成长小说相一致的是小说揭示了女主人公多萝西娅成长过程中的追寻主题、精神导师的作用以及她在精神、情感和社会方面的成长。本文尝试从成长小说的角度来解读《米德尔马契》,分析小说中主人公多萝西娅在男权社会中如何不断追寻,并在精神导师的指引下,从稚嫩走向成熟的成长过程。本文由引言、正文和结论三部分组成:引言部分介绍了乔治·艾略特的生平、作品及小说《米德尔马契》的主要内容,并概述了国内外学者对乔治·艾略特及小说《米德尔马契》的研究。正文部分由四个章节组成。第一章扼要综述了乔治·艾略特的成长过程,小说《米德尔马契》的梗概及英国成长小说的主要特征,包括成长过程中的追寻,成长过程中精神导师的作用以及主人公的精神成长、情感成长和主人公在社会方面的成长。《米德尔马契》中女主人公的成长过程与成长小说中的“追寻”及“精神导师”的作用相契合。第二章主要分析了女主人公多萝西娅积极的探寻:在男权社会对知识的不懈探寻、在社会中对自身身份的不懈探寻及在这个世界上对生活意义的不懈探寻。第三章分析了多萝西娅成长过程中的各种精神导师,他们在女主人公的成长历程中起着至关重要的作用。西莉亚是多萝西娅的特殊导师,帮助她在性格上成熟。布鲁克给予多萝西娅父亲般的关怀和爱。卡苏朋是多萝西娅的多方面导师。威尔是多萝西娅成长过程中必不可少的导师。他给她提供了截然不同的生活方式,激发她放弃不切实际的崇高事业,立足现实的生活,唤醒了多萝西娅的美感以及对生活的爱。第四章分析了小说女主人公多萝西娅三个方面的成长。其精神成长体现在反抗男权社会的压迫,追求独立的女性意识;情感成长表现在自主追求爱情,舍弃以财产为基础的婚恋观;社会方面的成长表现在多萝西娅从自我主义者变为利他主义者,不断探索和追求自我价值,敢于承担社会责任。结论部分总结出生活在维多利亚时代男权社会中的女性仍然持有对抗男权制度的顽强反抗精神,并且在不懈的追求中积极认识自我、认识社会。论文通过《米德尔马契》中多萝西娅成长道路的分析,揭示了男权社会中女性成长的艰难,并进一步解析了艾略特对女性成长的关注和思考,以及对困境中人性和尊严的肯定。

【Abstract】 George Eliot(1819---1880) is an English novelist, journalist, translator and one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. Her novels are known for their realism and psychological insight. As an important figure in literature, George Eliot has always been concerned about human’s existence in the nineteenth century, when there are great disorders both in ethics and spirit, and women’s growth is one indispensible element in her works. During her lifetime, George Eliot has composed large numbers of works. Among them, Middlemarch (1872) is an important novel, which establishes her as one of the most influential writers in the nineteenth century.In Middlemarch, George Eliot depicts women’s existence in Victorian Age. The novel is renowned for its description of women’s growing process. Corresponding with Bildungsroman, the novel reveals the protagonist Dorothea’s quests, mentors’ roles in her growing process and her growth in spiritual, emotional and social aspects. This thesis attempts to analyze the novel from the perspective of Bildungsroman and explores Dorothea’s quests in the patriarchal society and growth from callowness to maturity under the guidance of four mentors.This thesis is composed of the introduction, the body and the conclusion.The introductory part includes George Eliot’s life and her works, especially Middlemarch. And it also makes a concise review of the previous studies on George Eliot and the novel Middlemarch.The body is divided into four chapters. Chapter One gives an overview of George Eliot’s growing process, the study of Middlemarch and the major characteristics of English Bildungsroman, including quest, mentors’roles in the protagonist’s growing process and the protagonist’s spiritual, emotional and social growth. The growing process of the protagonist in Middlemarch corresponds with the characteristics of Bildungsroman. Chapter Two mainly analyzes Dorothea’s positive quests. Dorothea firstly quests for knowledge in the patriarchal society, and then she quests for self-identification in the society, and finally she quests for the meaning of life in the world. Chapter Three analyzes Dorothea’s different kinds of mentors in her growing process, who play important roles on Dorothea’s growing road. Celia is Dorothea’s special mentor, who helps Dorothea become mature in character. Mr Brook provides Dorothea fatherly love and affection. Casaubon, can be seen as Dorothea’s faceted mentor. Will is an indispensible mentor in Dorothea’s growth, who provides Dorothea a completely different lifestyle, inspires Dorothea to give up unrealistic noble causes and live the secular life and awakens Dorothea’s sense of beauty and love for life. Chapter Four is intended to analyze Dorothea’s growth in three aspects. Dorothea’s spiritual growth lies in her revolt against the oppression from patriarchy and her female consciousness of seeking independence. Dorothea’s emotional growth is mainly reflected in her mastering her own love, abandoning the marriage of taking property as its basis and achieving equality in the family. Dorothea’s growth in social aspect is represented in her change from egoism to altruism and her continually pursuing self-value by shouldering social responsibility.Finally, the paper reaches a conclusion that confronted with the patriarchal society in the Victorian era, women still dare to struggle against patriarchy, and quest ceaselessly in order to know more about themselves and the society they live in. By analyzing Dorothea’s growing road in Middlemarch and exploring the living predicament of women in the patriarchal society, George Eliot reveals us her concern and thinking about women’s growing road and her affirmation of humanity and dignity.

【关键词】 《米德尔马契》成长小说追寻精神导师成长
【Key words】 MiddlemarchBildungsromanquestmentorsgrowth
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

