

Research on the Problems of Medical Security in Zhengzhou

【作者】 闫琼

【导师】 赵平安;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 医疗保障作为社会保障的一项重要组成部分,是关系到百姓生活、健康、甚至是社会和谐的一个重大问题。经过多年的医疗体制改革,我国的医疗保障政策已经得到了很大的完善,但是与经济体制的改革相比,我国的医疗保障政策还有很大的滞后性。2009年,新一轮的医疗改革应运而生,经过3年的实践,改革基本取得了一些成绩,但是老百姓“看病难、看病贵”的问题依然很严重、医患关系恶化的情况在不断加剧,现有的医疗保障政策仍然不能完全满足人民群众日益增长的对医疗服务不同层次的需求。2013年医疗改革已经进入到“深水区”,随着我国城镇化速度的加快,我国的医疗保障也面临着新的挑战;但是实现全民医保、健全医疗保障体系、保证医保公平始终是我国医疗保障体系改革的重要目标。目前,针对医疗保障方面的研究有很多,大部分是从体制改革和管理方式上入手。在建设社会主义和谐社会的大背景下和社会转型的关键时刻,虽然政府在社会医疗保障方面做出了很大的投入,但是医疗事故频发、医患关系紧张、老百姓看不起病的现象并没有得到有效解决,笔者认为主要原因在于医疗保障资源分配的不公平性。本文从社会公平的角度出发,以郑州市为典型案例通过文献分析法、比较研究法以及实证与规范相结合的方法,从医保覆盖率、报销比例、医疗服务提供、医疗救助范围等几个方面对郑州市医疗保障体系的运行状况进行了分析。笔者认为,影响郑州市以保障发展的主要原因在于社会成员之间医疗服务享用的不均衡性。因此,本文提出以社会公平为理论依据,通过加强政府投入、优化基本医疗保险制度、加强对医疗服务提供机构的监督等几个方面入手,以实现全民医保为最终目标,确保医保资源享用的公平性,使老百姓“病有所医”。

【Abstract】 As an important part of social security, medical security which have a deep relationship with people’s life and healthy is the key to harmonious society. After years of medical security reform, the medical security system in our country has been greatly improved. But comparing with the economic system reform, the medical system reform has a long lag, and the existing medical insurance policy cannot fully meet the people’s growing medical service demands of different levels. Taking too much and too difficult to see a doctor is still a serious problem for the common people. What’s more the deterioration of doctor-patient relationship is growing. In this case, a new round of medical system reform emerges as the times require in2009. After4years of practice, this medical system reform has made some basic achievements. In2013the reform has entered into "deep water area". With the rapid acceleration of China’s urbanization rate, the medical system reform faces the new challenge. Although there are so many medical problems need to resolve, achieving universal health insurance, saning medical security system, guarantying medical security equity are our finally goals of medical security system reform all the time.At present, there are many researches on medical security, mostly starting from system reform and management mode. In the background of the harmonious society and the critical time of social transformation, although government has made considerable investment in social medical investment, the frequent medical accidents, the tension relationship between doctor and patients and the phenomenon of that many people cannot afford the medical fee have not been effectively resolved still. In my view, the main reason lies in the unfairness of health resource.This paper chooses the city of Zheng Zhou as a typical example from the view of social equity. In this paper, the methods of research are documentary analysis, comparative approach and the appropriate combination of normative research and the empirical study. This paper mainly discuss the medical security system in Zheng Zhou from these aspects such as the coverage rate of medical insurance, the reimbursement proportion of medical expenses, the provision of medical services, the cope of medical assistance and so on. As the writer of this essay, I think the main factor that effects the development of medical security system in Zheng Zhou is the imbalance using of medical services between social numbers. So the theory evidence of this paper is social equity theory. In this essay, I provide some advices from my own knowledge to resolve the problems of medical security system in Zheng Zhou. First of all, the government should pay more attention and increase the financial input in medical security. Then what we should do is optimizing the basic medical insurance system. And at last we should strengthen the supervision of medical service provider to make sure the medical service market can orderly operation according to the law. All of these efforts we do are to reach the final goal:achieving universal health insurance, he fair allocation of medical resource and most important, we must guarantee that every social member’s availability for medical service if necessary.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

