

Research of Data Acquisition System Used for Full Vector Dynamic Balancing

【作者】 于大永

【导师】 孙俊杰; 陈磊;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 机械电子工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,大型旋转机械设备正向着高功效、大功率、高精度和自动化等方向快速发展,而转子作为旋转机械的核心部件,出现故障的重要因素之一是机械振动,根据生产经验,大多数的振动故障是转子不平衡引起的;因此对不平衡引起的振动进行测量和消除极其重要。现有的动平衡仪器中,采用的振动信息都是通过单个传感器获得的单源信号,这在转子系统各向刚度不同时,由于信息量不全,必将存在误差,降低平衡精度;作为全信息技术中的一种,全矢谱技术融合了转子同一截面上的双通道信息,这一技术在故障诊断中已有广泛的应用,全矢动平衡方法即在全矢谱技术的基础上,结合传统的影响系数法而提出的,并已理论证明了其平衡精度高于传统平衡方法。全矢动平衡方法为了实现同源信息的有效融合,对振动采集系统提出了新的要求:振动信号方面,区别于传统的单通道信号,全矢动平衡方法的信号通道数多了一倍,要求振动采集系统能实现多通道信号的同步整周期采集;键相信号方面,为了提高平衡分析时的相位精度,要求对键相信号进行特殊处理。本文旨在以全矢动平衡方法为基础,针对当前动平衡仪器在信息全面性、信息同步性及信息处理精度等方面存在的不足,从减小影响平衡精度的平衡模型及理论误差、平衡参数误差等方面考虑,设计开发一种适用于全矢动平衡分析的嵌入式振动采集系统。本文主要包括以下内容:为了提高平衡精度及效率,对系统的功能要求进行了分析,制订了振动采集系统ARMll+WinCE6.0的基本架构。搭建了系统的硬件平台。基于ARM11微处理器的结构与特性,以其为核心完成了各硬件模块的设计;主要的硬件模块有:传感器模块、数据采集及预处理模块、存储模块、触摸屏、通信模块及电源模块等。构建了系统的软件平台。基于WinCE6.0操作系统,构建了系统开发环境,并在此基础上完成了系统所需的部分驱动程序,如A/D驱动程序等。最后,简要介绍了系统的功能应用流程。

【Abstract】 Currently, large rotating machinery is rapidly developing toward the direction of high efficiency, high power, high accuracy and automation, while the rotor, which is the core member of rotating machinery, the important factors of the rotor failure is the mechanical vibration, according to the production experience, mostvibration fault is caused by unbalanced rotor; Therefore, the eliminating of vibration caused by the unbalance measurement is extremely important. In the existing balancing instrument, the vibration information is always obtained through a single source signal by a single sensor, while the stiffness of rotor system is not the same, the amount of information is incomplete, then there are error and reduction of the balance accuracy; as one of full information technology, full vector spectrum combines dual-channel information on the same cross-section of the rotor, this technology has a wide range of applications in fault diagnosis, full vector dynamic balancing methed is based on the full vector spectrum, combined with the traditional influence coefficient method, and has higher balance accuracy than traditional balance methods. In order to achieve effective integration of homologous information, full vector dynamic balancing method puts forward new requirements on vibration acquisition system:Different from the traditional single-channel signal, full vector dynamic balancing method needs double number of the signal, which requires the data acquisition system to achieve the ability of acquisiting synchronization entire cycle information; in order to improve the phase accuracy of dynamic balancing, the keyphasor signal shoule be handled specially.In the view of the drawback of the current instrument for dynamic balancing in data comprehensive, data synchronicity and data accuracy, based on the full vector dynamic balancing method, and in order to rise the balance accuracy impacted by the balance model, theoretical error and balanced parameterserror, this article completes the design and development of the embedded vibration acquisition system according to the need of full vector dynamic balancing. This paper mainly includes the following content:In order to improve the balance accuracy and efficiency, the functional requirements of thesystem was analyzed, and made overall planning, determined the basic structure with ARM11and WinCE6.0.The hardware platform of system is constructed. Based on the structure and characteristics of the the ARM11microprocessor (S3C6410), completed the design of each hardware module with the ARM11core, including sensor selection, module of data acquisition and pre-processing, storage module, touch screen, the communication module, the power module and so on.The software platform based on WinCE6.0perating system is built. On this basis, we completed some drivers that system requires, such as A/D driver. Finally, a brief introduction to the function of the system application process is introduced.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

