

The In-situ Synthesis and Photovoltaic Properties of Tin-based Metal Sulfide/Oxides Thin Films

【作者】 王敏

【导师】 张富捐; 张艳鸽;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 无机化学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,为了解决严峻的能源和环境问题,研发高效率、低成本的太阳能电池以充分利用天然丰富的太阳能资源已成为目前最佳途径。有机-无机杂化薄膜全固态太阳能电池既继承了无机半导体纳米晶载流子迁移率高、化学稳定性好等优势,又保留了有机高分子材料良好的柔韧性和可加工性等特点,使该类太阳能电池成为目前太阳能电池研究领域的热点。、一些具有光伏性能、相对无毒、环保的无机化合物材料引起了研究者们的兴趣。SnS和SnO2因其优异的性能被看作是很有发展前景的太阳能电池的吸收层和窗口层材料。本论文对锡基硫/氧化物薄膜的制备及其光电性能进行了研究。研究工作获得的主要成果归纳如下:(1)纳米结构SnS薄膜的原位制备及光电性能研究。选用金属单质锡和硫粉作为反应物,不需任何表面活性剂,利用溶剂热法180℃反应24h,在ITO基底上一步合成了SnS纳米薄膜。产物薄膜致密均匀,由厚度约为70nm的纳米片交联组成。我们还探讨了各种实验条件对产物薄膜的影响,初步推断了SnS薄膜的生长机理。对产物薄膜的光电性能也进行了研究,目前测得光电转换效率0.0012%,表明SnS材料具有一定的光伏特性。(2)纳米结构SnO2薄膜的原位制备及光电性能研究。选用反应物元素的单质形式采用水热法160℃反应24h,在ITO基底上直接合成了与之结合较好的Sn02纳米薄膜。薄膜由大小约为30nm的纳米颗粒构成。并首次组装成器件结构为ITO/SnO2/P3HT/Al的杂化薄膜太阳能电池,测得最优器件的各种性能参数:开路电压(Voc)为0.296V,短路电流密度(Jsc)为0.0180mA/cm2,填充因子(FF)为22.2%,效率(η)为0.0012%。另外,为了调节SnO2薄膜的形貌,我们利用SnS纳米片薄膜作为模板,通过形貌遗传的方法成功制备了具有纳米片结构的SnO2薄膜。并初步探讨了一系列影响器件性能的实验因素,确定最优工艺参数:前驱物制备采用溶剂热反应,恒温180℃反应18h,20mL的DMF与无水乙醇体积比为1∶1混合溶剂;氧化反应采用水热法,恒温140℃反应24h;组装好的电池器件在真空条件下80℃热处理2h。最优器件测得性能参数:开路电压(Voc)为0.405V,短路电流密度(Jsc)为0.321mA/cm2,填充因子(FF)为15.5%,效率(η)为0.020%。(3)SnO2/SnO杂化薄膜制备的初步研究。选用溶剂热法在基底上原位合成SnO薄膜,然后通过煅烧制备出SnO2/SnO杂化薄膜。此方法简便易行,且实验过程环境友好。

【Abstract】 At present, in order to resolve the serious problems of energy and environmental, the best way is to research and development the high efficiency, low cost solar cells to make the best use of the solar energy resources. Solar cells based on organic-inorganic hybrid thin film have attracted a great deal of attention, due to it not only has the high electron mobility, good chemical and structural stability of inorganic semiconductor material, but also to retain the good flexible and machinable of polymer material. As a result, some inorganic compound materials attracted the interest of researchers, which have photovoltaic performance, non-toxic and environmental friendly. Because of the excellent performance of SnS and SnO2, they are seen as the absorbing materia and very promising window layer of solar cells, respectively. So the preparation and photoelectric properties of tin-based sulfide/oxide thin film were studied in this paper. The main results in our work are summarized as follows:(1) The In-situ preparation and photovoltaic properties of nanostructures SnS thin film. We selected the metallic simple substance of tin and sulfur powder as reactants, without any surfactant, utilized a hydrothermal method at180℃for24h to synthesize the SnS films on ITO glass substrates directly. The film was composed of nanoplates with thickness of70nm. Different reaction conditions of the SnS film preparation were discussed, furthermore, growth mechanism and photovoltaic performance of SnS film were studied. At present, we obtained the conversion efficiency of0.0012%, which indicated that SnS have obvious photovoltaic properties.(2) The In-situ preparation and photovoltaic properties of nanostructures SnO2thin film. We choosed the elemental form of reactants, utilized a facile hydrothermal method at160℃for24h to fabricate SnO2films on ITO glass substrates directly. SnO2film could be attached to ITO glass substrates tightly and composed of uniform nanoparticles with size of30nm. Then, we assembled a new structure hybrid film solar cells devices of ITO/SnO2/P3HT/Al for the first time, and obtained the performance parameters of an optimal device:an open-circuit voltage of0.296V, a short circuit of0.0180mA/cm2, a fill factor of22.2%, and energy conversion efficiency of0.0012%.In addition, to regulate the morphology of SnO2thin film, we employed the SnS nanoplates thin film as template, prepared the SnO2thin film successfully through morphology transfer from the SnS thin film. We discussed preliminarily the various factors that influencing the performance of solar cell device, the optimal process parameters were determined:The first step reaction at180℃for18h in20mL mixed solvent of DMF and absolute ethyl alcohol volume ratio is1:1; The second step reaction at140℃for24h in distilled water. The assembled devices were heated at80℃for2h in vacuum. The better performance parameters were obtained:an open-circuit voltage of0.405V, a short circuit of0.321mA/cm2, a fill factor of15.5%, and energy conversion efficiency of0.020%.(3) A preliminary research of SnO2/SnO hybrid thin film. Use the solvothermal method to synthesize SnO film on the substrate, then the SnO2/SnO hybrid thin film is obtained via calcining the SnO thin film. This method is simple, and the experiment process is environmental friendly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

