

Study on the Direct Loss Risk Prediction of Building Caused by Foundation Dewatering

【作者】 韩明明

【导师】 宋建学;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 建筑与土木工程(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 基坑降水是基坑工程施工中常见的措施,一旦地下水位下降,必将对周边造成一定的影响,如地面沉降,建筑物倾斜以及市政管线的破坏等等。为了在基坑降水方案编制阶段能够对降水施工的效应进行评估,需要对降低水位引起的经济损失进行预测。以未设止水帷幕的开敞式降水工程为研究对象,编制相应的计算软件,针对基坑周边的建筑物直接损失进行预测和相关参数计算。开发完成的计算软件可以简便、快速的得到损失预测值,对投资方决策基坑开挖深度,地下结构类型等有着直接的帮助;对设计人员设计基坑降水方案提供参考;也对施工方提前预防基坑降水引起的事故,减少损失等提供理论依据。主要结论如下:1、总结了基坑降水引起相邻建筑物沉降的研究现状,并据此选定了计算模型。2、综述常见的开发平台,通过对比研究,选择visual basic为开发平台。3、开发了一款与工程实际相结合的软件,可以简便、快速的得到基坑降水引起的周边水位降深分布、地面沉降量、沉降梯度、建筑物损失百分比等重要参数值,并最终确定降水引起的周边建筑物损失预测值。4、选取郑州地区四个基坑实例,对基坑降水引起的周边建筑物直接损失预测值进行了计算分析。确定了在不同坑底水位降深条件下各建筑物的直接经济损失值,验证了既有文献中直接损失随降深增加呈“多峰状态下总体上升”的结论。

【Abstract】 Pit precipitation is one of the important measures in the construction of deep foundation, once the decline of underground water level, it will cause a certain impact on the surrounding environment, such as ground subsidence, building tilt and municipal pipeline damage. In order to be able to assess the risk of precipitation construction in the foundation pit dewatering programming stage, you need to reduce the economic losses caused by the water level forecasts. Get the open type of precipitation project that not set sealing curtain for the study, making the corresponding software program. Predict the direct loss of buildings around foundation and the related parameters calculation. Calculation software developed can be convenient, fast to get the loss prediction value, and has the direct help about investment decision of the depth of excavation, underground structure type; give a reference to design of foundation pit dewatering scheme design staff; also for the construction to prevent foundation pit precipitation caused by accident, and provide a theoretical basis to reduce the loss.The main conclusions are as follows:1、 Summarizes the research status quo of building settlement caused by foundation pit adjacent, which select the calculation model by.2、Review the common development platform, through comparative study, choose Visual Basic as the development platform.3、Uniting the actual project of the software development can be simple, fast to get around the water level drawdown distribution induced by dewatering of foundation pit、 ground settlement、 settlement of the important parameters of gradient、 building loss percentage value and ultimately determine the loss of the surrounding buildings caused by precipitation prediction.4、 Select four foundation pit in Zhengzhou area, the value is calculated and analyzed by dewatering of foundation pit surrounding buildings direct loss prediction. The direct economic loss in different pit drawdown conditions of each building, verify the conclusion of past literature:the direct loss caused by drawdown increased present "multi-peak state overall rise".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】TU463
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】116

