

The Medical Ethics Education of Nursing Students in Higher Vocational Colleges Research on Status Quo and Countermeasures

【作者】 杨颖

【导师】 葛坤英;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的快速发展,医学模式的转变,护理科学发展日新月异,人民群众的健康需求日益增长,这对护理学教育的培养目标提出了新要求。护理专业学生不仅应具备医学、护理学、社会学的知识,更应该具备良好的医德品质,其医德品质将直接影响到未来医德医风建设,直接关系到护理学事业发展和进步。全面了解高职高专护理专业学生医德现状对做好护理专业学生的医德教育工作、增强工作的针对性和有效性具有重要意义。本文通过对郑州大学护理学院、漯河医专、河南职工医学院、信阳职业技术学院护理专业2009级300名学生在实习结束时医德现状进行的调查走访,结合医德的内涵要求,采用理论联系实际的方法,深入分析当前高职高专护理专业医德教育存在的问题。调查从医德状况调查内容、护理专业学生对医德知识和医德现象的认识情况、学生对学校进行的医德教育认识、需求以及评价情况几个方面,反映了当代护理专业学生的医德状况。经过对调查数据认真的分析和总结,提出护理专业学生医德主流是积极、健康、向上的。但是也存在一些问题,如护理专业学生重专业学习轻医德认知、重专业技能轻医德践行、学校医德教育缺乏实际效果等等。产生上述问题的主要原因是社会大环境对教育的消极影响、行业特点和行业中存在的不正之风对教育的消极影响、学生个体素质影响教育效果等。为了全面提高护理专业学生综合素质。应从多方面加强护理专业学生医德教育,如优化医德教育环境,建立浓厚的医德教育氛围;丰富医德教育内容,适应护理专业发展;形成立体医德教育途径,全方位交流与融通;加强医德教育队伍建设,专兼结合全员育人;提高学生思想认识,自觉提升个体医德等。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of society, the change of medical model, the development of nursing science change rapidly, the health needs of people is growing, it puts forward the new request to the education of nursing science. Nursing students should not only have the medical, nursing, sociology of knowledge, we should have good moral quality, the moral quality will directly affect the future of the construction of medical ethics, is directly related to nursing career development and progress. A comprehensive understanding of present situation of the higher vocational nursing students of medical college nursing students moral education work, enhance the pertinence and effectiveness has important significance.Through the survey of professional ethics status of nursing combined with medical ethics connotation, the use of theory with practice, in-depth analysis of the current higher vocational nursing professional ethics education problems. Through the investigation to visit Zhengzhou University School of nursing, Luohe Medical College, Henan Medical College for Staff and Workers, Xinyang Vocational and Technical College nursing majors of grade2009and300students were at the end of practice. The medical ethics education of medical ethics survey content, survey from nursing students understanding of the situation, to the medical knowledge and medical phenomenon of school students to understanding, requirements and evaluation of several aspects, reflecting the contemporary nursing students’moral situation. According to the survey data of serious analysis and summary, the nursing students of medical ethics is the mainstream of positive, healthy, upward. But there are also some problems, such as nursing students professional learning light medical ethics cognition, professional skill of medical ethics, medical ethics education practice light schools lack of actual effect etc.. The main reason is the social environment of education, the negative influence of the characteristics of the industry and the industry exists in the unwholesome tendencies in education, students negative influence individual quality affects the education effect. In order to improve the comprehensive quality of nursing students. Strengthen the medical ethics education of nursing students, such as the optimization of moral education environment, to establish strong atmosphere of medical ethics education; rich content of medical ethics education, to adapt to the development of nursing specialty; the formation of three-dimensional medical ethics education, all-round exchanges; strengthening medical ethics education team construction, combining full education; to improve the students’ideological understanding, self-conscious improve the individual ethics

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】334

