

Bio-phosphorus Removal from Mixed Municipal Sewage by Multi-point Enhanced Oxidation Ditch Process

【作者】 胡广杰

【导师】 邢传宏;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 环境工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市化和工业园区化的快速发展,城镇污水处理厂收水呈现出越来越明显的“混合型城市污水"趋势,即工业废水约为60%-80%,生活污水约为20%-40%,且工业废水比例或将进一步提高。混合型城市污水具有水质成分复杂、进水负荷波动较大、C/N和B/C值较低等特点,采用传统的生物处理工艺,除磷脱氮效果普遍较差。采用水解酸化-厌氧-改良Carrousel氧化沟组合的多点强化氧化沟工艺,通过前置水解酸化调控、氧化沟水力停留时间调控、二沉池污泥回流比调控等多点强化进行了为期一年的混合型城市污水除磷中试研究。混合型城市污水取自郑州某污水处理厂二期曝气沉砂池,自高位水箱依次通过水解酸化池、厌氧池、改良Carrousel氧化沟和二沉池,其中水解酸化池设置有一体式的集泥沉淀回流装置,实现水解酸化池污泥的自身回流;改良氧化沟经过改良设计成八廊道,并大幅度加大单廊道的深宽比,池底内部部分区域设置微孔曝气器且位置可调。运行参数优化结果表明:水解酸化池水力停留时间(HRT)3h、厌氧反应池HRT4h、改良Carrousel氧化沟HRTllh、污泥回流比(R)为1时,COD和除磷效果最佳。当进水pH在6.8-7.5,各个反应器水温约在在14-30℃,进水COD、 BOD5、 NH3-N、TN、TP的平均浓度分别为557mg/L、143mg/L、29mg/L、40.1mg/L和5.9mg/L,总水力停留时间为17.5h、污泥回流比为1、平均DO控制在2-4mg/L及无外加碳源和碱度的条件下,出水COD、BOD5、NH3-N、TN、TP的平均浓度分别为54.9mg/L、6.1mg/L、2.8mg/L、12.6mg/L和0.91mg/L,对COD、BOD5、NH3-N、TN、TP的平均去除率分别达到了90.1%、95.7%、90.3%、68.6%和84.6%。主要水质指标除COD、TP外其余均稳定达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级A标准。中试运行表明,该工艺处理效率高、稳定可靠,可作为现有城镇污水处理厂提标改造的首选工艺。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of urbanization and industrial parks, urban sewage treatment plant water collection showing a trend of more and more obvious "hybrid urban sewage, industrial waste water is about60%to80%, sewage is about20%to40%, and the proportion of industrial wastewater or will further improve. Mixed urban sewage water quality complex composition, the influent load fluctuations, low C/N and B/C value, using the traditional biological treatment process, the effect of phosphorus and nitrogen removal is generally poor.Hydrolysis acidification-anaerobic-modified Carrousel oxidation ditch combination of multi-point intensive oxidation ditch process, through the regulation of pre-hydrolysis acidification, oxidation ditch hydraulic retention time regulation, secondary sedimentation tank sludge return ratio control and other multi-point intensive period of one years of mixed city phosphorus removal from wastewater in the pilot study. Mixed urban sewage taken from a sewage treatment plant in Zhengzhou two aerated grit chamber, since the high water tank in turn by hydrolysis acidification tank, anaerobic tank, modified Carrousel oxidation ditch and secondary settling pond, pool acid hydrolysis provided with a one-piece the mud precipitate reflux device, hydrolysis acidification tank sludge reflux; improved oxidation ditch designed to improved eight corridors, and dramatically increase the the single corridor aspect ratio, the bottom internal part of the locale microporous aeration and adjustable.Optimization of operation parameters results show that:hydrolysis acidification of water force retention time (HRT)3h, anaerobic pool HRT4h, modified Carrousel oxidation ditch HRT11h, sludge recycle ratio (R)1, COD and phosphorus removal. When the influent pH between6.8and7.5, each reactor water temperature of about14to30℃, water COD, BOD5, NH3-N, TN, TP the average concentration of557mg/L,143mg/L,29mg/L,40.1mg/L and5.9mg/L, total hydraulic retention time of17.5h, sludge reflux ratio of1, the average DO control in the2to4mg/L and no external carbon source and alkalinity conditions, the effluent COD,BOD5, NH3-N, TN, TP the average concentration of54.9mg/L,6.1mg/L,2.8mg/L,12.6mg/L and0.91mg/L, on the COD, BOD, NH3-N, TN TP average removal rate reached90.1%, 95.7%,90.3%,68.6%and84.6%. Key water quality indicators are stable up urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standards "(GB18918-2002) A standard.Perennial test run, the process efficiency, stable and reliable, and less affected by seasonal changes, can be used as the preferred process of the existing municipal wastewater treatment plant mentioned standard transformation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

