

The Study on the Integrated Process of Swine Wastewater Processing and the Optimizing for the Process Conditions

【作者】 彭凯

【导师】 王岩;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 环境科学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国规模化养殖的发展,猪场废水的大量排放带来的环境污染越来越严重,猪场废水具有高COD、高碳氮比、高SS和高N、P含量等特点,猪场废水中BOD5/C0D大于0.4,具有较强的可生化性,但仅依靠单一的处理工艺很难满足猪场废水的污染治理。本研究以新郑市雏鹰农牧股份有限公司生猪出口基地养殖废水处理工程为研究对象,本着降低处理成本以及资源化回收的要求,提出改进UASB+磷酸铵镁沉淀法(MAP)+膜生物反应器(MBR)+人工湿地(SFCW)组合工艺处理猪场废水,通过对各个反应器的启动调试及运行,确定了该组合工艺的最佳运行参数,并对集成工艺进行了组合优化,并核算最优基建与运行成本,得出不同情况下处理猪场废水的最佳组合工艺以及处理效果,研究结果表明:(1)本研究选择以氯化镁和磷酸三钠补充镁源和磷源回收猪场废水中的氨氮,在以回收猪场废水中部分氨氮、调节废水中碳氮磷比例使之适用于生物处理工艺为目的条件下,确定了该工艺在处理猪场废水时的最佳Mg:N:P摩尔比为1.2:1:0.9,经回收后的水中氨氮含量维持在170mg/L左右,pH维持在8.5左右。回收的鸟粪石N含量约4.1%,P205含量约40.77%,MgO含量约15.85%,是一种高品质缓释性肥料。有效地解决了MAP工艺与MBR工艺的衔接问题,简化了操作步骤。(2)年出栏300-800头猪的小型养殖场每日约产生8m3污水采用"UASB+MBR+人工湿地”组合工艺处理养殖废水具有费用低和效果好的优势;在冲洗猪舍用水较多和饲养员生活用水增多的夏季,污水氨氮浓度偏低,也可以使用该组合工艺去除。当处理的污水量较大时,采用‘’UASB+MAP+MBR+人工湿地”组合工艺处理养殖废水能取得良好效果,该组合工艺适合猪场采用干清粪方式所产生的猪场废水,具有处理量大,抗负荷能力强,回收高品质缓释型肥料的特点,为养猪场往种养结合方向发展提供了支持。

【Abstract】 With the development of large-scale cultivation in our country, the environmental pollution results from the emission of large number of swine wastewater became increasingly worse. Swine wastewater, which charactered with high COD, high ratio of carbon and nitrogen, high SS and rich in N, P nutrition, in which the ratio of BOD5and COD is greater than0.4, therefore has strong biodegradability. However, the single treatment process at present cannot meet the requirement of pollution control for swine wastewater. In this study,we took the cultivation wastewater treatment project of pig export base, which belongs to Chu Ying farming Corporation lies in Xin zheng City as the research object. Holding the purpose of reducing the cost of the process and recycling the resource, we put forward a combined process that consists of improved UASB, Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) precipitation, Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) and Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland (SFCW) to process the swine wastewater. In the course of starting, debugging and running for each reactor, we finished the determination of the the optimum operating parameters of the combined process and the combinatorial optimization for integration process, besides, we had accounted the optimal infrastructure and operating costs and came up with the best combined process and its treatment results for the swine wastewater under different circumstances. The results showed that:(1) To recycle the ammonia in the swine wastewater, magnesium chloride and trisodium phosphate was chosen as supplementary of magnesium source and phosphorus source, respectively.On the purpose of recovering part of the ammonia in swine wastewater and adjusting the proportion of carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater to make it applicable to the biological treatment process,we have determined the parameters of the process as below:The optimum molar ratio of magnesium,nitrogen and phosphorus is1.2:1:0.9, the content of ammonia in the recovered water was maintained at about170mg/L and the pH was maintained at about8.5.The recovered struvite has a content of4.1%for nitrogen,40.77%for phosphorus pentoxide and15.85%for magnesia,which is a high-quality slow-release fertilizer,solving the problem of linking up for MAP process and MBR process effectively and simplifying the operating procedures.(2) In the summer when the washing water for pigsty and domestic water for the breeders increased, the mixing sewage generated in the process of14breeders feeding280pigs,in which the concentration of ammonia is less than300mg/L,using "UASB+MBR+SFCW" combined process to process the swine wastewater has the advantage of low cost and good effect. However, it cannot meet the requirements for the work of large amount of wastewater, as well as high concentration. To meet the high requirements for handling capacity, the " UASB+MAP+MBR+SFCW " combined process can achieve good results. This combined process is suitable for the processing of swine wastewater generated by the cultivation that using dry desludging mothod. It took the advantage of large handling capacity, strong anti-load capacity and can recycle high-quality slow-release fertilizer compared with the "UASB+MBR+SFCW" process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

