

Study and Analyse the Construction of Three Systems of New Countryside Archives

【作者】 段湘冬

【导师】 陈忠海;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 档案学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 2006年起,全国开展新农村建设,至今已逾7个年头,各项工作都取得了一定的成果。档案工作涉及新农村建设的方方面面,在新农建设不断发展的过程中,各地档案部门也积极进行新农村档案建设试点,取得了一些成果。同时,新农村档案工作作为当前中国档案事业的一项重点工作,凸显了档案部门服务“三农”的理念,工作方式、方法和成效,因而对新农村档案工作进行研究也就具有一定的现实价值。国家档案局局长杨冬权提出了档案工作“三个体系”的建设目标,这一建设目标有力地促进了档案工作的发展。新农村档案工作相对较为落后,三个体系建设还不够健全、完善。本文从新农村档案工作入手,分别对三个体系在农村建设中的状况进行介绍和研究。第一章,对新农村档案工作的管理模式,取得的经验,存在的不足作出介绍,并提出本文的研究方法,创新之处及不足之处。第二章,分别从三个体系角度对新农村建设档案工作作出阐述。档案资源体系建设从档案收集、整理、保管、鉴定等方面对新农村档案资源体系建设的情况做了介绍。重点研究了收集范围的确定和如何收集。新农村档案利用体系建设主要论述了档案利用体系的功能设置与实现途径,以及信息化建设的一些情况。新农村档案安全体系建设则对安全体系该应如何构建进行了研究。第三章,以济源市新农村建设档案工作为例,介绍了新农村建设档案工作的经验及启示。第四章,从新农村建设档案体系由谁建、建什么、怎么建三个角度对全文进行总结。

【Abstract】 Since2006, the policy of new countryside construction in the whole country has been carried out for more than seven years, during this time, all the work has got good results. Archives involved in all aspects of the new countryside construction. With the constant development of this construction, all the archives institutions of our country are actively participating into the pilot project of the new countryside archives construction, and they have got good results. At the same time, the archival work in the new countryside is a major project of Chinese archives undertakings, it highlights the ideas, working methods, and effects of archival departments serving agriculture, farmer, and rural area. so the study about archival work also has a certain value.Yang Dongquan, the director of the State Archives Administration of the People’s Republic of China, proposed the construction goal of "three systems" about archives work, which promoted the development of the archives work. However, the archives work in the new countryside is relatively backward, and the construction of "three systems" is not perfect enough. Thus, from this perspective, this paper makes an introduction and research respectively about the construction condition of the three systems in the countryside construction.The first chapter mainly introduces the management pattern, experiences and deficiencies of the archives work in the new countryside, as well as research methods, innovation and deficiencies of this paper. The second chapter researches the three systems of new countryside archives. For the resources system construction part, this paper discusses the situation of the archives resources system construction in the new countryside from the aspects of archives collection, sorting, filing, appraisal and so on. As an important part, the author makes a study about how to confirm the archives collection scopes and how to do the collection. And then, the study about archives utilization system in the new countryside is shown in the part of construction of utilization system, including the discussion on the functions set and implementation approaches of archives utilization system, as well as the situation of the information construction. The last part of the second chapter is the security system construction. In this part, archives work and the problems on how to build the security system is studied. The third chapter, taking an example of the new countryside archives work in Jiyuan, provides some experiences and enlightenments of the archives work construction in the new countryside. The last but not least chapter is a summary of this paper. It summarizes the construction of three systems of new countryside archives from three aspects:who, what, and how.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D422.6;G279.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】227
  • 攻读期成果

