

Researches on the Evaluation System and Application of Universities’ Archive Websites

【作者】 牛尧尧

【导师】 陈忠海;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 档案学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 档案网站是高等院校在互联网上重要的文化名片和交流窗口,其建设水平直接反映了学校档案资源的信息化水平。开展高等院校档案网站的评估工作,既有利于高校档案馆及时发现自身在档案网站建设工作上存在的问题,也能够优化高校的档案实体管理工作,共同提升我国高校档案工作的发展水平。本文在参考公共档案网站评估指标构建方法的基础上,结合高等院校档案管理工作的特殊性,重新构建了一个适用于高等院校的档案网站评估指标体系,并选择“985工程高校”的档案网站作为比较对象进行测评。通过对高校档案网站建设指标的量化统计、横向比较,文章在充分肯定目前“985高校”档案网站建设过程中取得成果的同时,指出存在的问题和需要改进的地方,并就此进行原因分析,提出相应的对策建议,以期对我国高等院校档案网站的建设有一定的借鉴和参考价值。本文共分为五个章节:第一部分是绪论,主要介绍论文的选题背景和意义、研究现状、研究方法、创新及不足之处等内容;第二部分主要讨论构建高校档案网站评估指标体系的原则,设计高校档案网站的评估指标体系,并确定相应的权重和计算方法;第三部分是利用评估体系对“985高校”档案网站建设情况按照地域分布分别进行量化比较分析,并给每个参评高校档案网站的建设情况估分;第四部分针对高校档案网站建设取得的成果和存在的问题,有针对性地进行原因分析和提出对策建议;第五部分为总结,对整篇文章进行概况与总结,指出此次高校档案网站评估工作的意义所在。

【Abstract】 The archive website is an important cultural card and communication plant of the university on the internet, its developmental level reflects the universities’ informatization standard of the archive resource directly. To evaluate the archive websites of universities, on one hand, it can help the universities to find the problems during their websites’construction; on the other hand, it also can optimize the methods of archive management and enhance the level of our nation’s archive career. This article constructs a new evaluation system on the basis of common structure of archive website evaluation system combined with the special characters of university. Then, chooses "985project" universities being the evaluated objects. After the statistic and horizontal comparison, the article nailed down the achievement of "985project" universities on archive website construction, at the same time, illustrated the problems and the reasons. At last, it put forward the improvements with the hope that this article can be referred by the follow-up researches on the construction of the universities’archive website.The frame of this article has five parts:The first section is introduction, stated the background, significance, content, research methods, innovation and limitation of this article. The second section consulted the methods of constructing the evaluation system of universities’archive websites; identify the weights of each standard and calculating means. The third section is the statistic and analysis of the "985project" universities’archive websites, point out the regional achievements. The forth section summarized the achievements and illustrated the shortages. The last part is the conclusion, with the significance of the evaluation on archive websites.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

