

A Research on the Public Service Supply for the Disposal of Solid Wastes in Rural Areas

【作者】 燕盛斌

【导师】 高卫星;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 当前,农村固体生活垃圾问题日趋严重,全国农村每年共产生固体生活垃圾17011.6万吨。规模庞大的固体生活垃圾不仅影响人的视觉感受和心情,而且污染环境,污染大气、土壤和水体,最重要的是极易诱发各种疾病,对人们的生命健康造成了极大的威胁。妥善处理农村固体生活垃圾问题,有着重大的现实意义,有利于加快农业的现代化进程,推进社会主义新农村建设,实现“美丽中国”的宏伟蓝图;有利于还农民朋友一个洁净卫生的生产、生活环境,从而提高幸福指数;有利于弘扬公平正义这一社会主义核心价值;更有利于推动科学发展,促进社会和谐。河南作为农业大省、人口大省,在农村固体生活垃圾处理方面具有突出的典型性,集中反映了我国当前在农村固体生活垃圾乃至环保方面公共服务供给现状。笔者选取了河南省郑州、洛阳、焦作、商丘、平顶山、安阳、信阳等7个地级市的10个行政村作为研究样本,从管理方式、资金投入、基础设施、处理方式、环保意识等五个方面调查这些行政村的固体生活垃圾处理的公共服务供给状况。经过实地调研,笔者发现:与城市相比,农村在固体生活垃圾处理方面的公共服务供给存在供给体制不畅,供给规模不足,供给质量不高等诸多问题,表现在基层政府环保职能薄弱、农民环保利益难以表达、村民环保自治组织欠缺、农村环保法律不完善、基层政府财权事权倒挂、政府重视不够投入不足、村委会环保职能缺位、重投入建设轻管理维护、重“硬性”公共服务轻“软性”公共服务等具体方面。解决这一问题,需要理顺公共服务供给体制,建立以政府为主导,多元化供给体制;加大供给规模,重视农村环卫工作;加强“软性”公共服务,提高供给质量。对此,笔者也尝试提出了解决农村固体生活垃圾的三条途径:一是将城郊农村纳入城市环卫工作体系;二是政府委托收购有毒有害垃圾;三是建立城乡一体化垃圾处理模式。

【Abstract】 Nowadays the solid wastes in rural areas have become an increasingly serious problem. The annual produce of solid wastes in rural areas amounts to170.116million tons nationally. Such a large amount of solid wastes not only damage people’s visual senses and moods but also pollute the environment, contaminate air, soil and water. The most serious consequence is that those wastes are very likely to induce various kinds of diseases which pose great threats to people’s health. Therefore, it is of highly practical significance and profound historical importance to appropriately deal with solid wastes in rural areas. Firstly, it will accelerate the modernization of agriculture, drive forward the construction of new socialist countryside and realize the grand blueprint of a wild China. Secondly, it can provide peasants with a clear environment for living and producing and thus raise their happiness index. Moreover, it helps to advocate the value of fairness and justice. Finally, it can boost scientific development and promote social harmony.As an agricultural and a populous province, Henan is typical in the disposal of solid wastes in rural areas and reflects the problems our country faces in the supply of public services for disposal of rural solid wastes and environmental protection. The writer selects ten administrative villages in Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Jiaozuo, Shangqiu, Pingdingshan, Anyang and Xinyang of Henan Province as research samples and investigates public service supply for the disposal of solid wastes in these villages in the respect of management style, fund investment, basic infrastructure, processing mode and environmental protection awareness. After site investigations, some problems are found in the public service supply in rural areas for the disposal of solid wastes compared to that of cities. The problems are that the supply system is not comprehensive, the scale is not large enough and the quality is not high, etc. They are manifested in several aspects:weak function of environmental protection of local governments, unvoiced environmental protection interest of peasants, lack of autonomous organizations for environmental protection, imperfectness of environment protection law, the opposite relationship between financial power and administrative power, lack of emphasis and insufficient investment, absence of environmental protection function of village commission, valuing investment construction and real entities for public service and neglecting management, maintenance and "soft" public service.In order to solve those problems, a government-oriented and diverse supply system should be created. In addition, we should continue to intensify the supply of public service for the disposal of solid wastes in rural areas and improve the quality of the service. As for the solution of the problems, three ideas are put forward in this article. Firstly, peri-urban rural areas should be integrated into the urban sanitation system. Secondly, government commissions other sectors to purchase hazardous wastes. Thirdly, urban-rural integration mode of waste disposal should be established.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

