

On the Ticket Price Formulation of Public Resource Scenic Spots

【作者】 张星

【导师】 郑志龙; 李莹;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着交通的便捷和民众收入水平的提高,各地旅游产业迅速增长,旅游业对我国经济发展产生重要的作用。近几年,景区门票纷纷上涨并且涨幅较大,门票收入已成为我国景区最大、最直接的经济收益,由此产生了“门票经济”。近年来,国内多家景区掀起的门票涨价潮,引起公众广泛关注和热议,而多年来中国旅游景区门票一直存在的涨价现象和趋势,也一直饱受争议和责难,特别是作为为大众服务的公共资源景区,与普通商品不同,其门票价格具有公益性等特点,以抬高门票价格为其景点增加收入,则体现其服务职能的错位与管理的不足,非常有必要对公共资源景区门票价格制定进行全面的观察与分析,探究门票涨价的根本原因,理性寻求切实可行的解决之道。在当前构建和谐社会、建设公共型政府和服务型政府的定位中,国家应该充分认识到景区发展在综合社会效益上的巨大作用,完善公共资源景区票价制定及管理机制,促进体现其公益性,保障大众游览权利,促使景区门票合理化。本文运用利益相关者理论界定景区票价制定中三种利益相关者:政府、景区经营者和公众,分析当前我国公共资源景区票价制定中显现的问题与不足,并通过对郑州市黄河游览区票价情况的实地访谈调研,对我国公共资源类景区票价制定提出可供参考的建议。

【Abstract】 As the traffic is convenient, regional economic development and the improvement of national income, tourism industry rapid growth, the tourism industry have important role on the economic development of our country. Rose and gains in recent years, the scenic spot tickets, ticket revenue has become a scenic spot in China’s largest and most direct economic benefits, the resulting "tickets economy". But as a service to the public the commonality of public resources of scenic area, different from ordinary commodities, its price tickets has the characteristics of public welfare, in order to raise ticket prices for scenic spots increase their income, reflect its service function of dislocation and the shortage of management, should perfect its ticket price formulation and management mechanism, to promote its public welfare, protect the rights of public visit and scenic spot tickets to rationalize.In the current building of a harmonious society, the construction of public service-oriented government and service-oriented government, the state should be fully aware of the huge role in the development of scenic comprehensive social benefits, improve the public resources scenic spot ticket price formulation and management mechanism, promoting the public welfare, the right to security tour, scenic spot ticket rationalization.In this paper, using the stakeholder theory,analysis of the current situation of our country public scenic fares, the fare of tourist area of Zhengzhou city the Yellow River interviews, provide a reference for the government countermeasure and the suggestion to our country public resources scenic fares.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

