

Study on the Prevention and Control of Risk Management of Seismological Bureau of Henan Province

【作者】 刘冠群

【导师】 李葆珍;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 公共管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放之后,经济社会各要素的巨大变革既催生了大量机遇和活力,助推了经济社会的繁荣和发展,但却随之衍生出了许多廉政风险,进而导致越来越多的公务人员因触碰廉政风险而腐败变质。虽然,在党和政府多措反腐的高压之下,大量的腐败分子受到惩处,但反腐败的形势依然严峻。总体表现为“三个并存”,即:成效明显和问题突出并存,防治力度加大和腐败现象易发多发并存,群众对反腐败期望值不断上升和腐败现象短期内难以根治并存。基于我国当前面临的复杂的反腐形势,近年来,一些机构和学者就关于全面系统的预防和控制腐败发生问题进行了一些较为深入的分析和研究,形成了一种从微观管理层面入手,以“防控廉政风险”为视角新的腐败治理模式。而且我国已经有一些地方政府和部门尝试开展了廉政风险防控管理实践探索,并取得了很好的成效。在这一背景下,本文首先梳理我国腐败治理经验和思想,归纳了风险管理理论和全面质量管理理论的管理思路和实践方法。然后通过对近年来河南省地震局的廉政风险防控管理实践进行调研,总结了河南省地震局廉政风险防控管理实践的主要做法、成绩和经验,查找了存在问题和不足,深入分析了其成因。在学习前人关于廉政风险防控管理研究成果和总结有关单位廉政风险防范实践的基础上,博采众长,提出了较为系统的廉政风险防控管理实现路径:廉政风险防控管理实践,重点要强化公务人员廉政意识,增强抵御廉政风险侵蚀能力,堵塞制度机制和管理漏洞,关键是把控好廉政风险识别、评估、处置和监控几个环节;方法是要明晰目标,建立机制,全员参与,全程防控;目标是要形成以制约和监督权力运行为核心,以岗位风险防控为基础,以完善制度建设为重点,构建权责清晰、流程规范、风险明确、措施有力、制度管用、预警及时的廉政风险防控机制,最终实现廉政风险防范工作实现了防范与业务的统一、监督与管理的统一、自律与他律的统一,也使廉政风险防范工作更具针对性、有效性、系统性。

【Abstract】 After the reform and opening up, great changes in the social factor of the economy not only the birth of a large number of opportunities and vitality, boosting the prosperity and development of economy and society, but also derived from a lot of the risk, which leads to more and more public servants fall in the risk. Although the party and the government, under pressure to corruption, corruption molecular mass were punished, but the anti-corruption situation is still grim. The overall performance is "three co-existence", namely:obvious effect and problems coexist, prevention efforts and prone to corruption coexist, the masses of the anti-corruption expectations keep rising and corruption in the short term is difficult to be cured.Complex anti-corruption situation, our country based on in recent years, some organizations and scholars on the prevention and control of corruption on the full system problems are some of the more in-depth analysis and research, has formed a kind of from microcosmic management aspects, in order to "control the risk from the perspective of new corruption governance mode. And China has some local governments and departments trying to carry out the exploration and practice of risk management, and achieved good results.Under this background, this paper first summarizes our country ancient corruption governance experience and thinking, summed up the management ideas and practical methods of risk management theory and total quality management theory. Then through the investigation in practice the prevention and control of risk management in recent years, the Seismological Bureau of Henan Province, summarized the main practice of Seismological Bureau of Henan Province, the prevention and control of risk management practices, achievements and experience, find out the existing problems and shortcomings, in-depth analysis of its causes.On this basis, finally, the combination of China’s ancient and modern governance "focuses on cure, corruption prevention" thoughts, ideas of risk management theory "of risk identification, risk assessment, risk management, risk control" combination, combined with the theory of total quality management "approach to prevention, full participation, process control", learn widely from others’ strong points in learning previous research on the prevention and control of risk management and summarize the relevant units independent risk prevention on the basis of practice,, is proposed to realize the prevention and control of risk management path systematically.Learn widely from others’ strong points in previous research on the prevention and control of risk management and summarize the relevant units independent risk prevention on the basis of practice,, is proposed to realize the prevention and control of risk management path systematically:the prevention and control of risk management practices, focusing on strengthening the consciousness of public servants, resist the risk erosion ability, clogging the system mechanism and the loopholes in management, the key is to control the risk identification, assessment, treatment and monitoring of several links; method is to set a clear goal, establish mechanism, full participation, process control; the goal is to form the power restriction and supervision as the core, take the post of risk prevention and control as the basis, in order to perfect the system construction as the key point, clearly defined rights and responsibilities, construct the process specification, clear, and effective measures, the risk early warning system works, timely risk prevention and control mechanism, and ultimately the risk prevention work to achieve the prevention and unified service, supervision and management of unity, the unity of autonomy and heteronomy, also make the risk prevention work more targeted, effective, systematic.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D630.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】143

