

Research on the Communication Strategy of the Image of Zhengzhou

【作者】 刘淼

【导师】 李瑛;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 新闻学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 城市形象是城市的内部和外部公众对城市客观实在的具体感知、总体印象和综合评价。城市经过正确的形象定位和各要素全面、细致的塑造之后,最后的形象塑造环节就是对城市形象的传播和扩散。从某种意义上讲,对城市形象的塑造是否成功,很大程度上取决于城市形象传播的社会效果。因此,研究郑州城市形象传播策略,对于增强城郑州市城市核心竞争力、提升城市软实力、促进城市又好又快发展,具有重要而积极的现实意义。郑州市是河南省的省会城市,近年来,郑州市为提升自己在全国城市竞争中的实力,不断完善基础设施建设,积极塑造和传播郑州城市形象。自1991年以来,郑州市已经成功举办了9届中国郑州国际少林武术节,在传播中国武术精神的同时,也大大提升了郑州在国内和国际的知名度,树立了良好的城市形象。2010年郑州市成功举办了第二届中国绿色博览会,在城市建设与生态文明相结合的道路上迈出了坚实的步伐,向中国和世界传播了郑州市城市发展的新理念,发出了健康、绿色发展的“郑州声音”。2011年春季,第十一届全国人民代表大会第四次会议审议通过将“中原经济区”写入“十二五”规划纲要草案,郑州市步入城市发展的一个崭新阶段。2013年3月7日,国务院正式批复了《郑州航空港经济综合试验区发展规划(2013-2025年)》,这是我国第一个上升为国家战略的航空港发展先行区,郑州将成为中国的“孟菲斯”。在新的时期,机遇与挑战并存,郑州市在注重城市实体建设与境界发展的同时,更加重视塑造和传播城市形象,提升自身竞争的软实力。本文以郑州市城市形象的传播策略为研究对象,综合运用传播学、新闻学、社会学等理论,对郑州市的城市形象现状进行深入分析,指出郑州城市形象传播所面临的问题,从战略层面对郑州城市形象的传播策略提出初步的设计方案,并从战术层面对相关传播策略进行深入细致的探索,提出了一系列细致可行的建议和策略,以期对郑州市今后的规划和发展有所裨益。

【Abstract】 The Image of city is the specific perception, overall impression and comprehensive evaluation of objective reality of the city which are come form the internal citizen and external public.Urban the correct image positioning, spreading city’s image is the final image-building aspect. In a sense, the success of the shaping of the image of the city largely depends on the social effect of the image of the city. Therefore, it’s significant for enhancing the core competitiveness and soft power of the Zhengzhou by researching the communication strategy of Zhengzhou city’s image.The city of Zhengzhou is the capital of Henan Province. In recent years, in order to enhancing the strength of competition in cities across china,zhengzhou gradually completes the base station and shapes the image and spreads the image of the city of Zhengzhou. Since1991, Zhengzhou has successfully held the9th China Zhengzhou International Shaolin Wushu Festival. Zhengzhou spreads the spirit of the Chinese martial arts, greatly enhances the national and international visibility, and establishes a good image of the city. In2010, Zhengzhou successfully held the2ed China Greening Exposition. By the way of holding the2nd China greening Exp, Zhengzhou spread to china and the world a new concept of the development of Zhengzhou and showed a healthily green-develop ing Zhengzhou. In the spring of2011, the fourth meeting of the Eleventh National People’s Congress agreed Central Plains Economic Region to write into the draft outline of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan". Zhengzhou began a new phase of urban development. In the new period, there are opportunities and challenges to Zhengzhou to develop. It’s very important to shape their own image and spread their own image to Zhengzhou.In the paper, the article,the communication strategy of the city’s image as the research object, comprehensive use of Communication, journalism, sociology and so on to deeply analyze the image of Zhengzhou. Then, in order to help future planning and development of Zhengzhou, the paper points out the problems in Zhengzhou’s image spreading and proposes solution to the problem from the strategic and tactical levels.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】G206;F299.23
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】583
  • 攻读期成果

