

Research of Chinese Elements and Cultural Identity

【作者】 程颖

【导师】 邬盛根;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 传播学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 随着中国经济的发展,越来越多的跨国公司把营销目光投向中国市场,跨国品牌在中国市场上展开了激烈的竞争。在跨文化传播的情境下,跨国公司都倾向于运用本土化策略进行广告宣传,目的是为了寻求文化共鸣,达到有效的广告劝服。自从2006年第一届中国元素国际创意大赛举行后,中国元素成为广告界的关键词,它被认为是中国广告界重要的创意来源,对于跨国品牌来说,在广告中加入中国元素,是本土化策略和广告创意的双重结合。除了跨国品牌,本土品牌也充分利用这一资源进行广告宣传,在这样的背景下,涌现了越来越多的运用中国元素的广告。相应的,关于中国元素与广告传播的研究成为广告实务研究的一大热点。在全球化和中国经济高速发展的背景下,中国元素作为中国文化的表征以及中国文化形象的诉求,它的提出本质上是对文化对话的呼唤,是呼吁提升中国文化软实力的体现。它意味着对自我文化身份的保护,因而文化认同——对文化群体的归属和文化身份的确认,其重要性在跨文化传播的情境下就被凸显出来。本文所研究的,是中国元素怎样参与跨文化广告的创意和传播,关注的是中国元素如何构建中国消费者的文化认同,从而帮助实现跨文化广告的劝服。研究目的在于探讨如何提高国际品牌的跨文化传播能力。本文有三个研究起点:1.从符号互动论出发看中国元素在广告跨文化传播中的运用,中国元素被当做是同时拥有表现形象和文化意义的符号体系;2.把文化认同看作跨文化广告产生宣传效果的重要条件,是消费者接触广告时必经的心理体验;3.认为文化认同是在传播过程中被建构和展现的,它不是独立而不变的,传播中的话语在建构文化认同的过程中起了很大的作用。文章试图在已有文献的基础上厘清“中国元素”的概念内涵,以跨国品牌汽车广告为例,采用符号学的方法,分别分析了运用中国元素的奥迪汽车平面广告和丰田汽车平面广告,通过阐述文本意义,进而详细地分析了广告通过意义构建文化认同的过程。为了能清楚地看到广告跨文化传播与文化认同的交互影响,本文选择案例的标准是取一正面案例和一反面案例,奥迪广告是正面案例,丰田广告是反面案例,通过比较,呈现文化认同的构建路径。在案例研究的基础上本文提出了跨文化广告运用中国元素的一些宏观性建议。目前的相关研究都集中于广告运用中国元素的规律和特征分析,很少从文化认同的角度去探析广告运用中国元素的规范,在此基础上,本研究以文化认同的建构为核心,试图弥补相关研究的缺漏,充实广告运用中国元素的相关研究。

【Abstract】 With the development of China’s economy, more and more multinational corporations give attention to China’s market, and compete for it. They tend to use localization strategy in the advertising, to overcome cultural barriers and please their target-consumers. Ever since1st Chinese Element International Creative Award, Chinese elements become popular in the advertising, it’s regarded as rich resource of advertising creativity. To the multinational brands, putting Chinese elements into the advertising means combination of localization strategy and advertising creativity. Meanwhile, local brands also make best use of Chinese elements in the advertising campaign. So the research on Chinese elements and advertising becomes hot spot issue of advertising practical research..With the background of globalization and China’s rapidly economic development, Chinese elements come up as China cultural characteristics and image, calls upon culture exchange, and shows desire to enhance national cultural soft power essentially. It implies protection of cultural identity, which means belongingness toward culture community and confirmation to identity, cultural identity is pretty important in the context of intercultural communication. As a result, we want to know how Chinese elements to bring about China consumers’cultural identification, and how advertising to achieve effectiveness. This study would like to give some advices about how to enhance multinational corporations’intercultural competence.This article is based on three opinions:1.Chinese element is a system of symbolic representation, we see communication as symbolic interaction, so as Ads cross—cultural communication.2. Cultural identity is an inevitable psychological experience to consumers, when they contact with effective cross—cultural Ads.3. Cultural identity is formed and managed in intercultural communication, it is not an independent variable. Discourse analysis plays an important role in the study.On the basis of literature review, we redefine the conception of " Chinese Element". Then we analyze print ads of Audi and Toyota in a semiotic method, by text research, we try to elaborate that how cultural identity is formed by advertisement narration, by Chinese elements. In our study, Audi is a successful case, Toyota is opposite. By the contrast, we can see that Chinese elements have a great influence on the formation of cultural identity in the cross—cultural ads, while target—consumer’s cultural identity has a great influence on the effectiveness of the ads. The current researches about Chinese elements seldom focus on cultural identity, and this study try to enrich the research about the using of Chinese Element in cross—cultural advertising.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

