

Research on Teaching Staff Management of Private Kindergarten in Zhengzhou City

【作者】 张晨

【导师】 张凤珍;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 民办学前教育作为我国学前教育事业的重要组成部分,对我国学前教育事业的发展起着举足轻重的作用。回顾我国民办学前教育的发展历程,从1949年建国后至今,民办学前教育在中国大地上经历了从无到有,从弱小走向繁荣的过程,民办幼儿园也日益壮大成为了我国学前教育的主体。在民办幼儿园规模不断壮大的同时,诸如民办园收费极端化、民办园管理的低效以及民办幼儿园教学质量不高等问题逐渐凸显,严重制约了我国民办幼儿园的发展,其中民办幼儿园的师资管理问题更是成为了制约民办园发展的瓶颈,受到了社会各界的广泛关注。郑州市作为中原经济区规划的核心城市,其发展潜力不可估量。为扶持民办学校健康持续发展,郑州市政府先后出台了一系列扶持幼儿园及民办幼儿园的优惠政策,郑州市民办幼儿园的发展进入了黄金时期。然而,通过调研发现郑州市民办幼儿园师资队伍现状具有年轻化且女性占主导、专业对口率高但学历水平较低、教师资格证持有率不高、薪金待遇较差、工作积极性不高、职业认同感较差、教师的自主学习能力较差等特征,师资管理过程中在师资聘任、福利薪金设置、师资培训、激励机制、绩效考评、教师专业成长、雇佣关系七大方面存在种种不足。造成郑州市民办幼儿园师资管理存在问题的原因是多方面的。其一,政府管理方面:对民办幼儿园的重要性认识不足,财政性学前教育经费分配不公,政府管理失衡以及政府监察的缺位;其二,幼儿园管理层面:“人治”大于“法治”,管理者权利过于集中且管理理念落后,民办幼儿园师资管理制度建设滞后,民办幼儿园筹资渠道单一;其三,幼儿教师90后特征明显,责任感相对薄弱,参与幼儿园师资管理意识薄弱;最后,幼师教育层面:部分地区盲目提升办学层次致使幼师教育出现断层,不合格幼师培养机构的大量涌现,幼师生源质量严重下滑,幼师院校课程设置滞后。为突破制约郑州市民办幼儿园师资管理问题瓶颈,必须将人本管理理念引入日常师资管理过程中,由政府主管部门、民办幼儿园管理者、幼儿教师多方合力,共同齐心协力解决郑州市民办幼儿园师资管理过程中存在的种种问题。首先,相关政府部门对于民办幼儿园的管理要完善加强,端正态度、严格管理,着力增加对于民办园财政性教育经费的投入,大胆推进非在编幼儿教师人事制度改革,同时加强学前教育立法、完善幼儿教育法律体系,充分发挥宏观调控的职能,缓解幼师供需矛盾。其次,民办幼儿园管理者要励精图治,在教师聘任环节刚柔相济,“一刚”把好教师“入门关”,“一柔”多管齐下降低教师流动性;教师薪资设计本着激励为本的原则,依据国家相关法律法规,建立短期激励与长期激励相结合的薪酬结构,实现赏罚分明;师资培训方面坚持以人为本,通过制定教师培训发展规划,引入丰富多样的培训内容,努力拓宽培训渠道,通过培训效果反馈机制及时料及培训收效;实施教师激励策略要因势利导,结合教师职业生涯发展的阶段特征,综合使用物质激励与精神激励;对教师的绩效考评要本着客观公正的原则,坚持考评主体多元,结合绩效面谈反馈考评结果;教师的专业成长要努力实现双赢,教师要善于抓住园所提供的各种培训,实现主动成长;雇佣关系方面努力营造和谐、平等的氛围。再次,幼儿教师要努力提升主人翁意识,主动参与到幼儿园师资管理过程中;积极主动实现自身专业成长,扩宽专业成长渠道;增强职业认同感,提升自身专业素养和专业技能。最后,幼师教育体系要勇于改革,重组幼儿师范教育资源、更新幼教课程体系,实现幼师教育的与时俱进,为现代幼儿教育输送高素质的人才。

【Abstract】 As an important part of China’s pre-school education, private pre-school education plays an important role in the development of China. Recalling the development of Chinese non-governmental pre-school education, private pre-school education in China has became the subject of pre-school education in China. While in the growing scale of private kindergarten, so many problems come out, such as inefficient management and poor teaching quality, these problems serious constraints on the development of China’s private kindergarten, which issue is management of private kindergarten teachers become the bottleneck restricting the development of private park.As the core of economic planning of the Central Plains city, Zhengzhou city’s development potential immeasurable. To foster healthy and sustainable development of private schools, Zhengzhou City Government has issued a series of preferential policies for enabling of kindergartens and private kindergartens, development of private kindergartens in Zhengzhou city has entered a golden age. However, through research found Zhengzhou private kindergarten teacher team status has young and female accounted for led, and a job suited to one’s special training rate high but qualifications level lower, and teachers qualification card holds rate does not high, and salary treatment poor, and work enthusiasm does not high, and career identity sense poor, and teachers of independent learning capacity poor, features, teacher management process in the in teacher appointment, and welfare salary set, and teacher training, and incentive mechanism, and performance evaluation, and teachers professional growth, and employment relationship seven large core area exists all insufficient and problem. There are many facts attribute the problem. Firstly, government management insufficient understanding of the importance of the private kindergarten, preschool education fiscal funds unfair distribution, government management imbalances and the absence of government supervision, Second, kindergarten management level:the "rule of man" is more than "the rule of law", administrator management concepts backward, private kindergarten teachers management system construction lag, the private kindergarten single financing channel; Finally, preschool teacher education level:some areas blindly promote education level that preschool teacher education appeared fault, unqualified staff training institutions, staff quality serious decline, teachers colleges and universities curriculum lag. The three parties, all kinds of factors caused the private kindergarten teacher in Zhengzhou city management problems.To break through the bottleneck problems restricting private kindergarten teacher in Zhengzhou city management, must be human-oriented management concept into daily teaching management process, the competent government departments, private kindergarten administrators, preschool teachers together, together, work together to solve the problem of private kindergarten teachers’management of Zhengzhou city.First of all, the relevant government departments should correct consciousness and strive to increase the private garden of financial education funds investment, bold not at preschool teachers and personnel system reform, at the same time, strengthen the legislation of preschool education, improve the early childhood education legal system. Second, run by the kindergarten managers make the link with gentleness, teachers of "just" good teachers "entry clearance","soft" multi-pronged reduce teachers’liquidity; Teacher’s salary design based on the principle of the incentive for this, according to the relevant national laws and regulations, establish a combination of short-term incentive and long-term incentive compensation structure, realize the reward is clear; Teachers training adhere to the people-oriented, through formulates plans for the development of teacher training and introduction of a variety of training content, and tries to widen the channel of the training, through training effect of feedback in a timely manner and training work; Implementation of teacher incentive strategy to improve the occasion, in combination with characteristics of teacher career development stage, the integrated use of material incentive and spiritual incentive; Performance evaluation for teachers should based on the principle of objective and fair, adhere to the appraisal main body, combined with the performance feedback interview assessment results; Teacher’s professional development to achieve a win-win situation, the teacher must be good at seize the garden provides various training, implement active growth; Employment relations efforts to create a harmonious and equal atmosphere. Finally, preschool teacher education system should have the courage to reform, restructuring of preschool normal education resources, update the preschool education curriculum system, the realization of preschool teacher education advancing with The Times.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

