

The Research on the Place of Online Arbitration

【作者】 李好好

【导师】 赵建文;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 国际法, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 仲裁作为一种解决国际民商事纠纷的方法和手段,在国际范围内得到了广泛的应用,随着互联网技术和国际电子商务技术的迅猛发展,全新的互动方式带来了许多具有新特征的争端,这些争端中当事人往往处在不同的地区或国家,这使得网上仲裁应运而生。这种新型仲裁方式与传统仲裁相比其最大的特征便是以高科技的通讯设备为媒介,把处于不同地域的仲裁员或当事人联系在一起。这种新型的争端解决方式,大多数环节都是在互联网上进行,几乎没有具体的物理空间,网上仲裁中的仲裁地也出现了“真空”的现象,但是仲裁地的真空并不意味着仲裁地的确定无关紧要,相反在传统国际商事仲裁中仲裁地的作用在网上仲裁中也同样重要。例如仲裁地决定着整个仲裁程序所应适用的法律,同时也确定了当地法院应当采用何种方式对仲裁程序进行司法监督,更重要的是仲裁裁决的国籍也是由仲裁地决定,这在一定程度上很可能影响到最终的仲裁裁决是否能够得到相关国家的承认与执行。由此可见,无论是在传统国际商事仲裁中还是在网上仲裁中,仲裁地的确定问题都不容忽视。国际上关于确定网上仲裁地的理论也并不少见,但是结合当前网上仲裁的发展现状和各国实践不难看出这些理论都存在着不可忽略的弊端,网上仲裁的仲裁地究竟应当以何种方式加以确定仍然值得探究。在中国,网上仲裁还是一个新事物,发展时间相对较短,并且没有一个系统的规则体系可供遵循。关于网上仲裁的规定也仅出现在少数仲裁机构的仲裁规则之中,对于仲裁地的确定问题,我国甚至与国际上的普遍做法还存在矛盾,这在一定程度上为我国网上仲裁的发展形成了不小的障碍。所以,对我国仲裁法进行相应的修改和完善,使仲裁中出现的新问题以法律的形式得以解决是十分必要的。本文在分析网上仲裁基本理论的基础上,专门就网上仲裁中仲裁地确定问题进行论述。本文总共分为四个部分进行分析:第一部分主要是对基本概念的阐述。其中包括网上仲裁的定义、特征,仲裁地的定义、作用及发展趋势。第二部分分析了关于网上仲裁中有关仲裁地的理论。首先通过对非内国仲裁理论的产生、内容及实践进行分析,指出该理论所存在的弊端,然后又对国际上存在的仲裁员所在地、服务器所在地、网址所有者所在地等理论进行了论述。第三部分针对确定网上仲裁地的障碍及障碍成因进行分析,提出网上仲裁地的确定方法,其中笔者主要阐述了运用当事人意思自治及最密切联系原则来解决仲裁地的确定问题。第四部分结合中国目前网上仲裁的发展现状和实践经验,提出仲裁法中针对网上仲裁地问题的立法建议。

【Abstract】 Arbitration as a solution to international civil and commercial disputes ways and means, in the international context has been widely applied. With the rapid development of Internet technology and international e-commerce technology, the new interactive way has brought a lot of disputes with new features, which makes online arbitration came into being. This new way of arbitration take the high-tech communications equipment as a medium and bring the arbitrators or parties from different regions together. This new way of dispute resolution, most of the links are on the internet. Almost no specific physical space, the place of online arbitration also appeared in "vacuum" phenomenon. But that doesn’t mean determine the place of arbitration is irrelevant, on the contrary in international commercial arbitration in the traditional role of arbitration in the online arbitration is equally important. Such as the place of arbitration to decide the entire arbitration proceedings shall apply the laws, also determine the manner in which the local court of arbitration shall be subject to judicial oversight procedures, more important is the nationality of arbitral awards but also by the arbitration decision, which to some extent is likely to affect the final arbitration award are able to get the relevant national recognition and enforcement. Thus, both in traditional international commercial arbitration or online arbitration, the place of arbitration to determine the problem can not be ignored. The place of arbitration on the determination of de theoretical line is also not uncommon, But with the current development status of online arbitration and national practice is easy to see the existence of these theories are non-negligible drawbacks, whether online arbitration shall be determined in the manner in which is still worth exploring.In China, online arbitration is still a new thing, the development of a relatively short time, and without a system of rules to follow. About online arbitration provision also appears only in a small number of institutional arbitration rules of the arbitration among the issues for arbitration to determine our country even with international common practice there are still contradictions, which to some extent, the development of China’s online arbitration form no small obstacle. So our arbitration law accordingly revised and improved, so that the emergence of new arbitration law in the form of questions to be resolved is essential.Therefore on the basis of the analysis of online arbitration basic theory, this article specifically discusses on the determination of the place in the process of online arbitration. This article is divided into four sections for analysis:The first part mainly explains the basic concepts, including online arbitration definitions, characteristics, and definition of the place of arbitration, the roles and trends.The second part analyzes the theory about place of arbitration in online arbitration. Firstly by the analysis on generation, contents and practice of delocalized arbitration theory, it points out the drawbacks of the theory, and then discusses the international existed theory of the arbitrator location, the server location, and the website owner location.The third part analyzes the obstacles to determining the online arbitration and causes of obstacles, which puts forward the method of determination of online arbitration, in which the author mainly discusses that by the use of party autonomy and the principle of the closest connection to solve the determination of the place of arbitration.The fourth part combined with the current development of online arbitration status and practical experience in China, puts forward legislative proposals for online arbitration place in the Arbitration Law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

