

The Administrative Accountability System of Livable City Planning in China

【作者】 周添添

【导师】 朱春玉;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着城市经济的迅猛发展,我国生态环境质量逐渐恶化,区域环境问题日趋严重,出现了诸多的“城市病”。为了获得更好的人居环境、体验更高的生活品质,人类开始重新思考城市的规划,首要关注生态环境建设同时又兼顾城市经济、社会可持续发展的宜居城市应运而生。如今在国外已经建成一批宜居程度较高的城市,而在快速城市化与工业化发展过程中的我国仍处于理论与建设的探索阶段,但宜居城市是中国乃至全球城市发展的终极目标却是毋庸置疑的!2007年建设部出台的《宜居城市科学评价标准》从社会文明度、经济富裕度、环境优美度、资源承载度、生活便宜度、公共安全度六个方面对我国建设宜居城市提出了科学性、导向性的参考标准。但要实现这一目标仍需要四方面主体的共同参与:首先是民众,作为城市文明的创造者和享有者,他们可以直接表达自己的生活要求;其次,这些要求怎么表达、表达给谁、表达以后怎么实现?这就需要政府结合专家,再综合考虑制定科学合理的建设管理规划;最后,规划如何落实就要引入市场因素,靠企业来将民众的诉求、专家的理念、政府的规划融为一体。不过在这个过程中的关键环节就是城市的规划,由于政府环境责任意识的缺失,导致其在制定行政决策时忽略对环境因素的考虑,直接关乎环境公共利益时重自身权利,加重行政相人的义务,重政府对环境的管理轻对民众的环境义务,重对相对人的责任处罚而轻对自身的问责,从而使得政府在环境规划和管理领域中的公信力和执行力遭到质疑。政府、领导责任缺失,归根结底是我国政治体制下没有对政府及相关领导的行政权较好制衡的结果。虽然权力制衡源于西方的民主宪政,且经过长期发展形成了较为成熟的理论,但对于中国而言,丰硕的学术研究成果并不意味着已经探索到了制约政府权力的有效途径,问责理论在实践中有待进一步完善。本文拟从宜居城市规划中出现的问题着手,查找原因,在宜居城市规划中结合我国行政体制的特点及环境行政的特殊性,将行政问责贯彻到城市规划的始末,加强对政府的生态环境问责,从而为提高我国政府的决策效率、实现绿色的环境决策、实现宜居城市的建设目标提供制度的保障。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid growth of urban economic, China’s ecological environment quality gradually deteriorated, worsening regional environmental problems, there have been many "urban disease". In order to get a better human settlements environment, experience a higher quality of life, humans began to rethink the city’s planning, the primary concern of the construction of ecological environment while taking into account the urban economy, the sustainable development of society livable city came into being. In foreign countries there’re batch of higher degrees of livable cities has been built now, China is still in the exploratory stage of theory construction in the process of rapid urbanization and industrialization development, but it is no doubt that livable cities is the ultimate goal of urban development in China and the world!2007, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China issued "Livable city scientific evaluation criteria", from the degree of civilization of a society, economic prosperity, beautiful environment, resource carrying degrees, living conveniently and comfortably six parts tell us our building should be of science oriented reference standard for livable city. However, to achieve this goal still needs to connect the main four areas:Firstly, the people, as creators and those who enjoy urban civilization, they can express their requirements. Secondly, how to express the requirements, whom to express, how to achieve it in the future? It’s required that the government and experts come together, negotiate the development of a scientific and reasonable construction management planning. Finally, how to implement the planning needs to introduce the market factors, relying on enterprise integration to the aspirations of people, the idea of experts, government planning. However, the key step in this process is the urban planning, due to the lack of government awareness of environmental responsibility, causing the neglect the consideration of environmental factors in the development of the administrative decision-making, heavy environmental public interest is directly related to their own rights, heavier administrative phase obligations, heavy government environmental management light on people’s environmental works, heavy on the relative responsibility of the person punished light of their own accountability, so that the government credibility and execution in the field of environmental planning and management being questioned. The government and Administrative staffs, lack of responsibility, in the final analysis is no better checks and balances on the executive power of the government and the leadership of China’s political system. While the balance of power stems from a constitutional democracy in the West, and the formation of a more mature theory development after long-term, but for China, fruitful academic research does not mean that has been explored to the fundamental way to restrict the power of the government, the accountability theory in practice pending further improve. This paper does not to attempt to answer these important and challenging questions, on the contrary, it seeks to make a step toward answers by finding the inhospitality matters in Chinese cities planning, combining the characteristics of China’s administrative system and the special nature of the environmental administrative livable city planning to carry out the administrative accountability to the city planning of the whole story, and enhance the responsibility of the government in environment, so as to improve the efficiency of our government’s decision-making the green environmental decision-making, and to achieve the goal of building livable city and provide an institutional protection.

【关键词】 宜居城市城市规划责任问责
【Key words】 livable cityurban planningresponsibilityaccountability
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

