

Study on the Classifiers in Quan Song Ci

【作者】 杜靖华

【导师】 彭慧;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 丰富的量词是汉语的特点之一,它不但数量庞大,而且种类丰富、历史悠久。研究量词的发展演变,对汉语史研究及对外汉语教学的发展具有重要意义。宋代是汉语自文言向白话转变的关键时期,宋词代表一代文学之盛,颇能反映宋代的语言特色。本文以宋词的集大成之作《全宋词》作为研究对象,考察了宋代量词在词这一特殊文体中的使用情况,希望能为宋代量词及宋代语言研究做一点工作。本文采用共时描写与历时研究相结合的方法,对《全宋词》量词使用情况进行分析。重点分类描述了量词在《全宋词》中的使用情况,从语法、语义、语用三个层面进行分析,并与魏晋南北朝和唐五代时期的量词系统进行比较,以求更真实地揭示量词的原貌。本文共分为四大部分,第一部分为引论,阐述了本文的研究意义及研究现状,明确量词的分类标准,并说明了本文的研究内容及方法;第二部分为《全宋词》名量词分析,首先对名量词依类别逐一描述,总结其语法特征;第三部分为《全宋词》动量词分析,逐一描述其使用情况并总结语法特征;第四部分为《全宋词》量词特征,基于对《全宋词》名量词和动量词的描写分析,总结其使用特征,主要有《全宋词》临时量词丰富、量词使用灵活多样、量词语义丰富和量词修辞美等几个方面。

【Abstract】 The rich classifiers is one of the characteristics of the Chinese language, it is not only a huge number, and rich, long history. Research on classifier development has great significance to the study of Chinese history and teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The Song Dynasty is a key period of the change which from classical Chinese to vernacular Chinese. CI represents a generation of literature in Song Dynasty, they can reflect the language characteristics of the Song Dynasty. In this paper,"Quan Song Ci" is the research object, we study the use of classifiers in the special style——Ci, and we hope to do a bit of work to the study of quantifiers and language of Song DynastyThis paper uses the method both in synchrony and diachrony, and analyses the use of classifiers in"Quan Song Ci". This paper mainly describes the use of classifiers in "Quan Song Ci" from the viewpoint of grammar, semantics and pragmatics. We also compared the use of classifiers in "Quan Song Ci" with the system of classifiers in Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties and Tang Dynasty, in order to display a real situation of classifiers.This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is introduction, which expounds the significance and present situation of the research, stresses the classification criterion of classifiers, and explains the research content and method of this paper. The second part analyses the noun classifiers in "Quan Song Ci" describes every categories of noun classifiers, and summarizes the grammatical features. The third part analyses the verbal classifiers in "Quan Song Ci", describes the use of verbal classifiers, and summarizes the grammatical features. The fourth part summarizes the features of classifiers on the basis of description of noun classifiers and verbal classifiers. The features mainly include "Quan Song Ci" has rich temporary classifiers, the use of classifiers in "Quan Song Ci" is flexible, the classifiers in"Quan Song Ci" have rich semantics, the classifiers in "Quan Song Ci" have rich beauty of rhetoric, and so on.

【关键词】 《全宋词》名量词动量词
【Key words】 Quan Song Cinoun classifiersverbal classifiers
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期

