

Research on C0-C0300km/h High-Speed Locomotive Dynamics

【作者】 赵增闯

【导师】 陈清;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 为了提高铁路的经济和社会效益,提高列车速度应作为首选手段。由于各地区经济发展不平衡,客运需求差别较大,合理的高速客运方式应为动车组和机车牵引并存。C0-C0机车采用驱动装置刚性架悬时,运用速度一般可达到160km/h;采用驱动装置弹性架悬时,机车的最大运用速度可达到200-250kmm/h;当速度达到300km/h等级时,应采用驱动装置半体悬或者全体悬。利用动力学软件建立了驱动装置半体悬机车动力学模型,介绍了C0-C0机车模型及轮轨关系,还构造了仿真用到的轨道不平顺线路。论文中分析了机车的稳定性,得出机车的线性临界速度和非线性临界速度分别为750km/h和400km/h。分别对在不同线路激励条件下的机车直线运行平稳性和不同曲线工况下的曲线通过性能进行了分析。分析了相关参数对机车直线运行稳定性的影响:分析了机车一系、二系悬挂参数对机车稳定性、平稳性及曲线通过性能的影响,了解了机车不同悬挂参数对机车动力学性能的影响大小;最后分析了驱动装置对机车动力学性能的影响,研究了驱动装置参数对机车各部件动力学性能的影响,分别就驱动装置质量、驱动装置横向减振器阻尼及电机吊杆长度对机车的横向和垂向动力学性能进行了分析。论文通过研究300km/hC0-C0半体悬高速机车动力学性能,表明该机车动力学性能能够满足标准要求,为C0-C0半体悬高速机车的发展提供了理论支持和参考。

【Abstract】 In order to improve the the railway economic and social benefits, improving the speed of trains is the preferred means. The demand of passengers is varied due to the imbalance of regional economic development. High-speed rail for EMU and locomotive traction should coexist. When rigid suspension of driving equipment is used in Co-Co locomotive, the use of speed generally can reach to160km/h; When flexibility suspension of driving equipment is used, maximum use of locomotive speed can reach to200-250km/h; When the speed up to300km/h level, should use the driving equipment semi-body suspension or body suspension.Dynamics software is applied to build a model of semi-body suspension locomotive dynamic model. Locomotive model and wheel-rail contact, and the simulation used in track irregularity lines is described. Stability of the locomotive is analyzed. Linear critical speed and non-linear critical speed are750km/h and400km/h. Riding quality of locomotive under different lines is computed and analyzed. Curve passing capability of locomotive is analyzed under different curve parameters.Relevant parameters’ impact on the locomotive running stability on the straight line is analyzed. By analyzing the impact of the primary and secondary suspension parameters on the locomotive stability, riding quality and curve passing capability to understand the size of different suspension parameters’ impact on the dynamic performance of locomotive. Finally, analysis of the driving equipment’s impact on the dynamic performance of locomotive, to study the impact of different parameters of the driving equipment on the dynamics of various parts of the locomotive. Several factors affected to locomotive lateral and vertical dynamics performance is analyzed, including mass of driving equipment, lateral damper damping of driving equipment and length of motor hanger.The dynamic performance of locomotive is able to meet the standard requirements by studying the dynamic performance of high-speed locomotive, which provides theoretical support and reference for the development of the Co-Co semi-body suspension high-speed locomotive.


