

An Analysis on Administrative Micro-blog Application Strategy in Government Public Relations

【作者】 龙韬

【导师】 杨琴;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 传播学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 微博的出现使得传统的政府公关方式已经不再适应新媒介环境的发展要求,面对微博所具有的超时空性、互动性、草根性、裂变式传播等传播新特征,政务微博成为了政府公关的最佳媒介平台。它为构建新型政府公共关系搭建了信息发布、服务群众的新平台;开拓了政府决策咨询、民众参政议政和舆论监督的新渠道;提供了舆情预警和应对突发事件的新手段;同时也是缓解社会矛盾的“节气阀”;成为了塑造和宣传政府形象的新途径。然而,目前我国政务微博依然存在着管理混乱、互动性差、舆情应对缓慢等突出的问题,未能真正发挥政务微博在政府公关中的应有作用。本文立足于传播学与公共关系学,采用文本分析和案例分析相结合的方法,分别以成都市人民政府官方微博“成都发布”和深圳交警支队微博“深圳交警”为例,研究政务微博在常态环境下和危机环境下的运用策略。通过对“成都发布”的信息发布规律、内容特点、互动性和舆论引导等方面进行分析,发现其在常态公关中的主要特点是:视觉形象突出地方特色;信息发布机制遵循微博用户使用习惯与阅读习惯;语言风格网络化、草根化;信息内容结合受众需要,突出政务微博的互动性与服务性;舆论引导耐心解释,理性回应,真诚对待群众的意见和建议,努力为民众解决实际问题,塑造良好的政府形象。通过对“深圳交警”在“深圳飙车案”中的传播特点进行实证分析,发现在危机公关中,政务微博的信息发布应主动抢占先机,积极与网民互动,立体交叉的运用多媒介。最后结合两者在实际运用中的经验与不足,以及目前我国政务微博普遍存在的问题,提出了政府微博在政府公关中的运用策略,即:总体上看,需要建立信息发布授权机制、规范政务微博管理;注重培养新媒介素养、养成微博心态。在常态公关下,政务微博在保证政务信息发布的时效性、真实性基础上,要按照受众需要努力丰富微博内容,做好信息分类;注意发布时间和发布数量;语言风格平民化、表现形式多样化;注重与民众互动,体现服务意识;主动接受监督,直面网络舆论,进行理性引导。在危机公关下,政务微博要首先建立健全舆情预警机制;其次遵循危机公关的黄金4小时原则,综合运用微博工具及时发布信息;再次传播过程注重速报事实、慎报原因、再报进展;最后沟通过程中要降低姿态,与民众平等对话。

【Abstract】 Government micro-blog has become the best Media platform of Government public relations. It not only makes a new platform of news and service for new Government public relations, but also open up channels for consulting, politics and supervising. Also, it provides some new means of public sentiment alarming and emergencies replying. It is completely a tool to alleviate social contradiction. It can figure and publicize the image of government. However, the Government micro-blog still has a lot of problems to solve and it didn’t play a due role in the government public relations.Based on Communication and public relations, this paper makes two examples to Study government micro-blog in normal and crisis environment strategy. By reading this paper, you can find main features in normal environment:visual image can highlight the local characteristics; information dissemination can follow the using and reading habits of the micro-blog user; language styles can be more like grass-roots; the information content can be combined with audience needs, to highlight the government micro-blog interactive service; public opinions can patiently explain, rationally response, sincerely accept the opinions and suggestions of the masses, efforts to solve practical problems for the people to create a good image of the government. And also the main features in crisis environment:Government micro-blog information should take the initiative to seize the initiative, actively interact with users to interchange the use of multi-media.At last, this paper combines experience and lack of the two examples and provides some strategies. And here are the strategies:Both government agencies and their civil servants should develop the "micro-blog mentality" and focus on the PR professional training; regulate the government micro-blog team management and image management. On one hand, in normal environment, government micro-blog should follow the basis of timeliness and authenticity to enrich the content and classify the information according to people’s need. It should be sure of the time and number and also, it should make its language style be like people’s talk, and make its performance more multiple and so on. On the other hand, in crisis environment, government micro-blog should first establish a mechanism to warn public opinion; second, follow the crisis public relations principles:"Golden4hours"; last use normal attitude to have a conversation with the public in communications.


