

The Sdudy on Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Locmotive Modeling and Optimization Control

【作者】 胡贵华

【导师】 陈维荣;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 氢能具有来源丰富、燃烧值高、环保等一系列优点,被认为是人类未来的终极能源。作为氢能开发和应用的代表,近几年燃料电池在各国政府的大力支持下已经取得了突破性的进展,部分以燃料电池为核心的产品已经进入商业化,其主要应用在航天、军事、交通、通信、电力以及家用产品等各领域。近些年,由于燃料电池技术的快速发展,特别是大功率燃料电池的研制成功,燃料电池在轨道交通方面的应用引起了世界各地的关注和研究。燃料电池混合动力机车是一个涉及机械、电气、化学、控制等多领域的极为复杂的整车系统,整车部件中存在着大量的时变和非线性环节,因此构建一个较为完善的燃料电池混合动力机车仿真模型以及设计一个适合燃料电池混合动力机车的整车控制策略对今后机车的开发和研究具有重要的意义。本文主要研究了燃料电池混合动力机车的行驶工况分析与测量,燃料电池混合动力机车的整车系统建模以及燃料电池混合动力机车的优化控制等相关问题。主要工作及结论总结如下:(1)分析了现目前常用的混合动力系统的拓扑结构、车体的动力系统类型以及常用的组合形式,并对这些拓扑结构、动力系统类型进行了较为详细的分析与对比,最后根据实际情况和经济等多方面考虑,选定了本文所建模型的拓扑结构和动力设备组合。(2)为了更好地分析所建模型的整车性能,本文结合实际情况,测量了某地区某条地铁线路的真实运行数据,建立了适合燃料电池混合动力机车的仿真行驶工况,利用MATLAB仿真软件编写工况程序,并嵌入到ADVISOR仿真软件中,为后续研究奠定仿真基础。(3)针对ADVISOR仿真软件在研究燃料电池混合动力机车方面的不足,对其进行了相应的二次开发,利用ADVISOR仿真平台,在MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真环境中,构建了一个较为完善的燃料电池混合动力机车整车仿真模型,该系统模型主要组成部分有:车体子模型、蓄电池子模型、牵引电机子模型、燃料电池子模型、机车车轮子模型以及其他附属子模型等。基于本文所测量的燃料电池混合动力机车的仿真行驶工况,分析了在功率跟随控制策略下机车的整体性能,得到了各主要部件的全过程平均工作效率。根据参考文献建立相应的对比模型,通过相应的对比分析,验证了所建模型的正确性。(4)根据模糊逻辑控制理论,设计了一种基于T-S模糊逻辑控制的燃料电池混合动力机车控制策略。该T-S模糊逻辑控制策略以机车牵引电机的需求功率pmcr和蓄电池的荷电状态值SOC作为输入变量,以燃料电池的输出功率比值系数K(即,燃料电池的输出功率为K*pmcr)为输出变量。基于燃料电池混合动力机车的整车系统仿真模型和仿真行驶工况,对嵌入ADVISOR仿真软件的T-S模糊逻辑控制策略进行仿真验证,结果表明,在本文所设计的基于T-S模糊逻辑控制的燃料电池混合动力机车控制策略下机车在整个行驶过程中的氢耗量比功率跟随控制策略下机车的氢耗量得到了较大的降低,机车的几个主要部件的平均工作效率得到了一定提升,本文所设计的控制策略能够有效提高燃料电池混合动力机车的整车经济性能和工作性能。

【Abstract】 Hydrogen has many advantages, such as rich source, high combustion value, environment friendly and so on. It is considered to be the ultimate energy in future. As a representative of hydrogen energy development and application, the fuel cell has made breakthrough progress with the strong support of governments in recent years. Part of products which fuel cell as the core has entered the commercial. They have been used in the field of aerospace, military, traffic, communication, electric power and household products and so on. In recent years, due to the rapid development of fuel cell technology, especially the successful development of large power fuel cell, the application of fuel cell in rail transit has attracted worldwide attention and research.Fuel cell hybrid locomotive is a very complex system, which involve mechanical, electrical, chemical, control and many other areas, it has a large number of time-varying and nonlinear locomotive components. Therefore, constructing a perfect fuel cell hybrid electric locomotive simulation model and design a suitable control strategy for fuel cell hybrid locomotive has the vital significance to the research and development of locomotive in the future.This paper mainly studies the measurement and analysis of the drivinging cycle of fuel cell hybrid locomotive, problems related to system modeling and the optimization control of fuel cell hybrid locomotive. The main work and conclusions are summarized as follows:(1) Analysis the topology structure of hybrid system, the type of the power system and common form of combination, then analysis and compare the topological structure and type of the power system. Finally, according to the actual situation and consider economic factors, Select the model topology and power equipment.(2) In order to analyze the model of vehicle performance, this paper combined with the actual situation, measure a real operation data of a subway line in a certain area, establish a simulation driving cycle for the fuel cell hybrid locomotive, write a program of driving cycle using MTLAB simulation software, and embedded into the ADVISOR simulation software, to lay the foundation for further study of simulation.(3) Aiming at the deficiency of ADVISOR simulation software in the study of fuel cell hybrid locomotive, this paper carries on two times of development in ADVISOR, to build a relatively perfect fuel cell hybrid electric locomotive simulation model in the MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation environment, which mainly includes the car model, fuel cell model, battery model, motor model, locomotive wheel model and other models. Analysis the overall performance under the power following control strategy base on driving cycle of fuel cell hybrid electric locomotive measured in this paper, gain the average working efficiency of the main parts of the locomotive in the whole process. Establish corresponding comparison model according to the references, through the analysis of relevant comparison, verify the correctness of the model.(4) According to the fuzzy logic control theory, design a fuel cell hybrid electric locomotive control strategy based on T-S fuzzy logic control. The T-S fuzzy logic control strategy’s input variables are locomotive traction motor power demand pmcr and battery state of charge values SOC, its output variable is the ratio of output power of fuel cel K (the output power of the fell cell is K*pmcr). The T-S fuzzy logic control strategy embedded in ADVISOR simulation software is verified base on the simulation system of fuel cell hybrid electric locomotive and driving cycle, The results show that, compared with power following control strategy, the fuel cell hybrid electric locomotive control strategy designed based on the T-S fuzzy logic control can reduce hydrogen consumption in the whole running process, and can improve average efficiency of locomotive components, can effectively improve fuel cell hybrid locomotive vehicle’s economic performance and working performance.


