

The Fabrication Control Application Research of Six Tower Cable-Stayed Bridge Based on Geometry Control Method

【作者】 王学伟

【导师】 卜一之;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 论文以嘉绍跨海公路大桥为工程背景,围绕几何控制法中的制造阶段展开研究工作。制造控制阶段是全过程几何控制法的基础,而各构件无应力尺寸和无应力线形的确定、构件无应力尺寸和线形的制造误差分析方法以及制造参数误差对成桥状态的影响都是制造阶段需要研究的内容。所以,论文主要内容有:(1)介绍了多塔斜拉桥发展的国内外现状以及多塔斜拉桥的特点,阐述了基于几何控制法的制造控制发展过程及其重要意义。(2)具体探讨了斜拉桥关键构件无应力状态量的计算方法,并计算了嘉绍大桥的主梁无应力线形、节段钢箱梁的无应力制造尺寸以及梁段间的无应力夹角。(3)分析了主梁钢箱梁的制造无应力线形和无应力尺寸的误差分析方法以及误差评价结果,并分析了通过修正后续批次制造无应力线形来改善制造误差对成桥线形影响的有效方法。(4)对嘉绍大桥的主梁制造参数误差进行了统计,分别统计了主梁梁重误差、主梁节段梁长误差以及主梁相邻梁段间夹角误差,根据统计结果确定了两组概率分布较大的主梁制造参数误差值,从而分析了这两组制造参数误差值对成桥状态的影响。(5)当主梁自重、主梁节段梁长和主梁相邻梁段夹角等制造参数出现偏差时,着重分析了制造参数误差对施工过程中后续梁段匹配阶段和二张阶段标高的误差影响,总结了这三种制造参数误差在施工过程中的误差传递规律,同时针对多塔斜拉桥的特点,当其中一塔主梁制造参数出现偏差时,分析了制造参数偏差对相邻各塔主梁成桥线形的影响。

【Abstract】 This thesis is based on Jiashao sea-crossing highway bridge as the engineering background,which focuses on the research of the fabrication control phase of geometric control method.Fabrication control stage is the foundation of the whole process of the geometric control method,however,how to determine free dimensions and free profile of each component,the fabrication error analysis method of free dimensions and free profile and the final stage affected by fabrication parameters are all need to solve in the fabrication control phase. So, the main contents of this paper are:(1)To elaborate the multi-tower cable-stayed bridge in the current development at home and abroad and the characteristics of the multi-tower cable-stayed bridge;The fabrication control development process and the fabrication control significance are detailed introduced.(2)Specifically discussed the calculation method of the non-stressed figuration of key components in cable-stayed bridges;Calculate the girder non-stressed profile,Segment of steel box girder non-stress fabrication dimensions and the non-stress angle between segments about Jiashao bridge.(3)Error analysis methods and error evaluation results are discussed in detail about steel box girder non-stress fabrication dimensions and non-stressed fabrication profile;The method of improve fabrication error impact on the final profile by correct subsequent batches fabrication non-stressed profile is proved to be effective.(4)Statistics for Jiashao bridge girder fabrication parameter error,statical error parameter including the girder weight error,segment fabrication length error and the fabrication angle error between segments,and according to the statistics of fabrication parameter error to determine two sets of values which have greater probability distribution,and then to analysis fabrication error impact on the final state.(5)As the girder weight error,segment fabrication length erro and the fabrication angle error between segments appear in the fabrication phase,the fabrication error impact on installation elevation of the construction process is analyzed and the transfer law of these three fabrication parameter error in construction process to be summarized;For the characteristics of multi-tower cable-stayed bridge,it is analysed that one of the main girder fabrication parameter error impact on the main girder final profile of the other towers.


