

Study on the Control Countermeasures and Susceptibility of Displacement in Mining Tunnel Under-passing Railway

【作者】 张俊

【导师】 郑余朝;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 经过近几十年的发展,现在我国经济已经进入了一个较高的水平,城市化进程不断加快,北京、上海这样的大城市人口早已过2000万,人口超过500万的数不胜数。为满足出行的要求,各大城市都在努力发展城市快轨交通和高速铁路,带来越来越多的立体交叉问题。本文结合长春市快轨交通某标段下穿轨道结构,研究城市快轨下穿轨道结构中各项辅助措施对路基面沉降的敏感度和轨面高低偏差的敏感度,应用的方法包括调查研究、数值分析、现场测试和经验类比。通过研究获得以下方面的成果:1、通过路基沉降研究和区域沉降研究成果诠释了轨道不平顺产生的原因和随机性特征。阐述了快轨隧道下穿铁路施工过程中对轨道不平顺影响的研究思路。2、总结隧道施工引起的地层力学和位移变化机理,以及地面沉降影响因素和地面沉降基本规律,以及常用的辅助施工措施。3、研究了单、双洞隧道开挖面前方预加固注浆有效长度和弹模对开挖引起的路基面沉降和轨道高低偏差值的减少情况和敏感度,并评价设计方案的合理性。4、研究了拱部锚杆纵向间距、锁脚锚杆纵向间距对单、双洞隧道开挖引起的路基面沉降和轨道高低偏差值的控制效果和敏感度,并评价设计方案的合理性。5、研究了多种措施共同施加对单、双洞隧道开挖引起的路基面沉降和轨道高低偏差值的控制效果和敏感度,以及多种辅助施工措施共同作用情况下路基面沉降规律和轨面偏差变化规律。

【Abstract】 For the development of the past several decades,The economy of China has been reached a high-level. The population of many cities is outnumber five millions, especially in some big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, the population is outnumber Twenty million, In order to relax the traffic jam, the rapid railway system and high-speed railway are planned to be constructed for the big cities. In the case, the problem of grade separation came out unavoidably.Based on the engineering that the metro goes under-passing the railway in Changchun, the sensibility of settlement for road bed and high-low deviation for the rail caused by the auxiliary measures in construction process is researched by some method such as investigation, numerical analysis, field test and experience analogy. The Conclusions of the research was summarized as follows:1、Based on the basic theories of the stratum settlement and the regional subsidence, the influencing factor and random features of the track irregularity is researched. In combination with the research result and application situation at home and abroad, the research thinking of the engineering for the metro goes under-passing the railway is formulated.2、The mechanism of the mechanical and the displacement is researched by searching information, the influencing factors and the basic law for the surface subsidence and the common accessorial measures in construction is studied by searching information too.3、The decrement and sensibility of settlement for road bed and high-low deviation of the rail, caused by single or twin-tube tunnels construction with metamorphic length, thickness and intensity grouting around the tunnel and forward the tunnel face is researched. The rationality of the grouting for the tunnel with empirical parameter in construction process is evaluated.4、The decrement and sensibility of settlement for road bed and high-low deviation of the rail, caused by Single or twin-tube tunnels construction with metamorphic Vertical density rock bolt and feet-lock bolt around the tunnel is researched. The rationality of rock bolt and the feet-lock bolt with empirical parameter in construction process is evaluated.5、The decrement and sensibility of settlement for road bed and high-low deviation of the rail, caused by Single or twin-tube tunnels construction with various measures is researched. The superimposed offect of the settlement regularity of the road bed and the high-low deviation of the rail caused by the various measures is researched.


