

Research of the Application of Suzhou Landscape Art in Interior Design

【作者】 张洋洋

【导师】 胡剑忠;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 艺术设计, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年来,“文化安全”这个概念被祭出,前所未有地上升到了国家安全的战略高度。20世纪以来,一种被称作现代的力量包裹着西方的文明与意识形态以近乎格式化的方式,整改着那些“非现代”的文明。中国仿佛正在丢掉几千年流传下来的传统文化,中国各大城市大兴土木几乎成为了外国设计师的试验场,由此形成“千城一面”的造城运动。而室内设计也存在大量“舶来”文化。我国优秀的传统文化自觉的淹没在这种同质化的运动中。“文化安全”前景堪忧。幸运地是,我国一些敢挑民族复兴重担的建筑师、设计师,正在兴起一种“复兴革命”的运动,他们从建筑领域与设计领域,提出了优异思想并创造了优异的设计。但同时也存在不少问题,例如,大多只是在停留在造型和表面的符号等形式上的创新,存在过于单一的问题,并没有深刻的理解传统文化,而且也在室内设计中的运用的理论与研究方法不够完整和充分。本文选取中国传统园林的优秀代表苏州园林,研究室内设计与苏州园林的关系,重点通过分析苏州园林的艺术特征,如苏州园林的构成、造园特色、成景类型等来分析其特点,发掘并提取有效的元素,运用到室内设计中,实现传统与现代的共生共荣。并结合当代案例,探索出一条传统文化与当代室内设计有机结合的有效途径,并提供理论依据,并进行实际案例应用实验。为此,研究苏州园林艺术与室内环境设计体现了探索具有中国传统的室内设计的价值及当代继承。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the concept of "cultural security" was called again, hitherto unknown to rise to the height of national security strategy. Since twentieth Century, is known as a modern force package civilization and Western ideology in near formatted way, rectification with those "non-modern" civilization. China seems to lose handed down for thousands of years of traditional culture, Chinese each big city be busy at putting up installations almost become a testing ground for foreign designers, thereby forming "a city built a thousand city side" of the movement. The interior design also has a large number of "imported" culture. Our excellent traditional culture consciousness is submerged in the homogenization of the movement."Poor safety culture".Fortunately, our country some dare burden of National Renaissance architect, designer, is the rise of a revival of "revolutionary" movement, they from the architecture and design field, presents excellent idea and created excellent design. But there are also many problems, for example, mostly in the innovation to stay in shape and surface symbols such as form, there is too single, not a deep understanding of traditional culture, but also the lack of theory and research method used in interior design.This paper selects the outstanding representative of Chinese traditional gardens of Suzhou gardens, research on the relationship between interior design and garden of Suzhou, focuses on the analysis of the artistic features of Suzhou landscape, such as the composition, Suzhou garden garden features, landscape type to analyze its characteristics, to explore and extracting effective elements, used in interior design, realization of the traditional and the modern the co-existence and co-prosperity. Combined with the contemporary case, and explores effective ways of the organic combination of a traditional culture with contemporary interior design, and provide theoretical basis and practical cases, application experiment.Therefore, research Suzhou garden art and indoor environment design reflects the exploration of Chinese traditional interior design value and contemporary inheritance

  • 【分类号】TU238.2;TU986.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】306
  • 攻读期成果

