

Sports Related Issues on the Development of School-based Curriculum Research

【作者】 王晓琳

【导师】 李吉成;

【作者基本信息】 长春师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 从上个世纪九十年代开始,国内加大了对于校本课程的开发和研究,“体育校本课程”这一概念也慢慢的进入到了人们的视野中。近几年,随着国家对于课程改革力度的不断加大,体育课程的开发正在朝向一个多元化和个性化的趋势发展,在这个过程中,地方和学校在课程决策方面所享有的自主权利也在逐步的加大,这也为我国“体育校本课程”的开发提供了更加广阔的发展空间和政策支持,但是,我们必须承认,与发达国家相比,我国在小学基础教育的质量还存在着明显的差距,导致这种状况的出现的原因是多方面的。如何针对具体的问题,提出相应的解决措施,开发适合自己学校特色的体育课程资源、培养学生自主性和实践性的体育素养和创新精神就显得极为的必要。本文以长春市小学体育校本课程的开发为研究对象,通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法和数理统计法等研究方法,对长春市小学体育校本课程的开发现状及存在的问题进行调查研究和分析,为长春市小学体育校本课程资源得到更好的开发和利用提出理论性意见。通过研究,本文得出以下结论:第一,长春市小学体育校本课程开课情况:长春市小学体育校本课程开设的学校每周开设的学时为1-2周,主要项目有轮滑、跳绳、毽球、跆拳道、软式排球、独轮车、健身舞等项目。第二、通过对长春市小学体育校本课程开发的相关问题调查得出:⑴长春市小学开发体育校本课程具有必要性;⑵长春市小学体育教师对体育校本课程的价值认同比较高⑶长春市小学多数学校和教师自己编写教材;⑷长春市小学体育教师和学校领导为主要管理者和参与人员;⑸长春市小学体育教师认为自己有能力开发校本课程。第三、体育教师对长春市小学体育校本课程开发特色的认识是:⑴长春市小学体育教师对校本课程多数认为适合学校与学生实际;⑵长春市小学体育教师对体育校本课程开发认为办学理念清晰、上下达成共识;⑶长春市小学体育教师对校本课程特色体现多数人认为在课程资源方面;⑷多数人教师认为长春市成熟的小学体育校本课程应具备的特征认为有明确的目标。第四、长春市小学体育校本课程开发中的主观困难和客观困难:主观困难:教师认为缺乏时间和精力、缺乏相关资料、缺乏课程开发的知识和技术、教师能力有限。通过以上看出,小学体育校本课程的开发存在多方面的困难。客观困难:教师认为缺少足够经费的支持、缺乏专家指导、缺乏规范的评价、家长不支持、领导不重视。以上看出,造成长春市小学体育校本课程开发不力的原因是多方面,这就需要从多个角度去解决存在的相关问题。第五、长春市体育校本课程师资队伍存在问题:⑴长春市体育校本课程师资队伍存在问题;⑵教师缺乏主动性。针对以上问题,本人从学校、教师、家庭和社会等几个方面提出了相应的解决措施,为长春市小学体育校本课程资源的开发提出了具体的解决措施。

【Abstract】 From the beginning of the last century ninety’s, the increase for the research anddevelopment of school-based curriculum, the concept of " school-based curriculum "also gradually entered people’s field of vision. In recent years, as the country continuedto increase the strength of the curriculum reform, the development of physicaleducation curriculum is toward a diversified and personalized trend of development, inthis process, the local government and the school enjoys in curriculumdecision-making rights are gradually increasing, which is China’s " school-basedcurriculum development ". To provide a more broad development space and policysupport, however, we must admit that, compared with the developed countries, ourcountry in the primary school education quality and promoting measures to speed upthe development of quality education, there is a significant gap, leading to theemergence of this situation are many reasons. How to deal with specific problems, andproposes corresponding solutions, suitable for the development of their own schoolcharacteristics of the sports curriculum resources, the cultivation of students’autonomous and practical sports accomplishment and innovation, it is necessary forthe.With the development of PE curriculum Changchun City primary school as theresearch object, by the methods of literature study, questionnaire, expert interview andmathematical statistics, research and analysis the present development situation ofChangchun City primary school physical education curriculum and the existingproblems, put forward the theory of opinion to get better development for the city ofChangchun primary school PE school-based curriculum resources and utilization.Through the research, this paper draws the following conclusion: First, changchun elementary school sports school-based curriculum start situation:changchun city primary school sports school-based curriculum of the school openinghours for1-2weeks per week, the main project has the roller skating, rope skipping,shuttlecock, taekwondo, soft volleyball, unicycle, JianShenWu, etc.Second, through to the changchun city primary school sports school-basedcurriculum development of related question survey:(1) changchun elementary schoolsports school-based curriculum development has the necessity.(2) changchunelementary school physical education teachers agree with the value of sportsschool-based curriculum is quite high.3. Changchun elementary school in mostschools and teachers to write your own materials.(4) elementary school physicaleducation teachers and school leaders changchun city as the main managers andparticipants.5. Changchun elementary school physical education teachers think theyhave the ability to develop school-based curriculum.Third, sports teachers’ understanding of changchun city primary school sportsschool-based curriculum development characteristics are:(1) most think ofschool-based curriculum in changchun for elementary school physical educationteachers for schools and students.(2) changchun elementary school physical educationteachers of sports school-based curriculum development thought of running a schoolidea clear and reach a consensus. Characteristics of school-based curriculum inchangchun,(3) elementary school physical education teachers to reflect the majority ofpeople think in terms of curriculum resources.4. Most people think changchun matureprimary sports school-based curriculum should have the characteristics that have aclear goal.Fourth, changchun elementary school sports school-based curriculumdevelopment of subjective and objective difficulties: subjective difficulty: teachersthink of lack of time and energy, lack of related information, the lack of curriculum development of knowledge and technology, teachers’ ability is limited. Through thesedata, there are many difficulties in the development of university-based curriculum ofprimary school. Objective difficulties: teachers think lack enough funds, accounts forthe lack of expert guidance, lack of support specification of evaluation, parents don’tsupport, not value of leadership. The above data, the cause of lack of changchun cityprimary school sports school-based curriculum development is various, this needs fromvarious angles to solve related problems.Fifth, changchun sports school-based course teachers problems:(1) changchunsports school-based curriculum teaching staff has a problem.(2) teachers’ lack ofinitiative.To solve above problems, I from the school, teachers, family and social aspectsput forward the corresponding solution measures, such as in changchun elementaryschool sports school-based curriculum resources development concrete solvingmeasures are put forward.


