

Study on Teaching Status and Strategies of College Public PE of Postgraduate in Jilin Province

【作者】 王申申

【导师】 佟远堂;

【作者基本信息】 长春师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着研究生招生规模的日益扩大,保证研究生培养质量的问题已成为社会关注的热点之一。研究生的培养质量不仅仅包括研究生的学术水平和专业知识水平,也应该包括具有强健体魄的身体素质及其他方面的素质。如今研究生的身体质量却令人担忧。虽然我国教育部门己经出台文件开设研究生体育选修课,但目前许多高校仍然没有充分重视和具体落实研究生的体育教育工作。研究生体育教育工作仍然是研究生教育工作的薄弱环节,研究生公共体育课程体系的设计和确立,必须正视这种需要。因此,本文运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法对吉林省普通高校硕士研究生公共体育课教学开展现状进行调查研究,分析影响吉林省普通高校硕士研究生公共体育课开展现状的原因,将进一步推动高校研究生体育教育工作的开展,以及开展全民健身运动和树立研究生的终身体育思想有着重要意义,以便为吉林省高校体育决策部组织和管理研究生体育锻炼活动等工作提供依据为研究生参加体育锻炼提供一些理论参考,为推动高校体育深化改革提供经验借鉴和理论依据。研究结论:吉林省普通高校硕士研究生普遍存在身体亚健康状态和心理亚健康状态,硕士研究生运动行为的频率与强度达不到国家标准,在吉林省普通硕士研究生公共体育课开展现状调查中只有少数学校开设公共体育课,许多高校并未充分重视和具体落实研究生体育教育工作。教育主管部门、高校领导应高度重视硕士研究生公共体育教育,加强硕士研究生对体育锻炼的认识,学校制定开设硕士研究生公共体育课的规定,教育行政部门要在法律和政策上给予保障。加大硕士研究生体育经费的投入。硕士研究生体育锻炼经费专门立项,成立相应工作室或工作小组,加强组织管理,制定相关政策以扶持高校硕士研究生体育锻炼工作的进一步开展,提供场地设施保障。广泛开展各类体育竞赛,组织各类集体活动,定期举办硕士研究生运动会以及硕士研究生专项体育比赛等。

【Abstract】 Along with the widening of postgraduate admission scale, the problems to ensurethe quality of graduate education has become one of the hot spot of social attention.Graduate training quality not only includes the graduate student’s academic level andprofessional knowledge level, should also include a fitness body quality and otheraspects of the quality. Now the graduate student’s physical quality is worrying.Although education sector in China has a file to open postgraduate sports electivecourse, but many universities are still not enough attention and specific implementationof graduate physical education work. Postgraduate sports education still is the weak linkof graduate education work, graduate student’s public sports course system design andestablishment, must face up to this need. Therefore, this paper USES literature method,interview method, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics method to thejilin province ordinary university public physical education, to carry out the presentsituation of postgraduate study, analysis of influence of jilin province ordinaryuniversity public physical education to develop the cause of the current situation ofpostgraduate, will further promote the work of graduate physical education in collegesand universities, and to carry out the national fitness campaign and set up the graduatestudent’s lifetime sports thought has important significance, for jilin province universitysports decision-making department organization and management graduate studentsports activities so as to provide basis for graduate students to participate in physicalexercise to provide some theoretical reference, to promote the university sports toprovide experience for deepening reform for reference and theoretical basis. Research conclusions: jilin province ordinary university graduate student body ofsub-health state and psychological sub-health state, master graduate student movementbehavior of the frequency and strength to reach the national standard, in jilin provinceordinary public physical education, to carry out the present situation of postgraduatestudy in only a handful of public physical education into schools, many colleges anduniversities are not fully appreciated and specific implementation of graduate physicaleducation work. Advice: the department in charge of education, university leadersshould attach great importance to public sports education of postgraduate, strengthengraduate student awareness of physical exercise, to set up the public physical educationof postgraduate of the school, the education administrative department should giveprotection in law and policy. Increase investment in graduate student of sports funds.Postgraduate sports special project funds, set up corresponding studio or work group,strengthen the organization and management, formulate relevant policies to support forthe further development of university graduate student physical training work, providefacilities protection. Widely carry out all kinds of competitions, organizations of variouskinds of collective activities, we regularly organize games of postgraduate and graduatestudent special sports competition, etc.


