

Study on Employee Eatisfaction of Shenzhen Venezia Hotel

【作者】 苟智双

【导师】 唐春勇;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 企业的员工不仅是其有着思维能力的“活资源”,也是企业得以生存和发展的最重要的战略资源。员工为企业创造财富,从某种意义上说,员工手中也掌握着企业的命运与前途。新的世纪,人才战略才是企业最显重要的战略,因为企业所面对的竞争,最主要的是人才的竞争在而非其他。怎么样有效地发掘人才、培养人才、使用人才留下人才、提升人才,已经成为关系到企业生死存亡的根本,成为企业家最重要的工作内容。随着经济的高速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,酒店业已经成为我国发展最为迅速的行业之一,而人才却日益成为制约酒店行业发展的瓶颈,为此,酒店员工对酒店及酒店管理者等诸方面的满意程度,业已发展为决定酒店是否能顺利经营的焦点问题。论文以深圳威尼斯酒店员工满意度为着眼点,在研究国内外员工工作满意度的有关理论的基础上,通过访谈、问卷等调查研究、并结合前人的科研成果,有针对性地设计了深圳威尼斯酒店工作人员满意度问卷—《深圳威尼斯酒店员工满意度调查问卷》,选择深圳威尼斯酒店各个部门235名员工,系统应用综合调查手段,并运用统计学知识对调查数据进行了科学的分析、处理,找准影响深圳威尼斯酒店员工满意度的主要问题和根源,从而对症下药,得到提升该酒店员工满意度的有效办法和途径。经过系统科学的调查研究和数据统计处理与分析,找到了影响深圳威尼斯酒店员工满意度的主要因素为环境和群体、领导和管理、薪酬和待遇、激励和考评、工作和培训等五个方面。我们发现,不同部门的员工、不同婚姻状态的员工的工作满意度有着明显的差别异。而性别的差异并没有明显影响员工对工作的满意程度。同样,学历、年龄和职务的差别,对员工满意度的影响也不明显。该论文运用目前国内和国外人力资源管理理论,尤其是员工满意度研究的最新成果,紧密联系深圳威尼斯酒店的实际管理实践,提出了“以人为本”的管理指导思想,以提升员工工作满意度为目的,以人力资源管理投资为途径,有的放矢地建构适用于深圳威尼斯酒店实际需要的完备的内部制度、系统的薪酬待遇体系、多元的激励机制、独特的企业文化以及对每一位员工进行职业生涯规划和管理,完善公正、公平、公开的,科学合理的员工的评价体系,全面提升员工对企业的认同度和满意度,提高他们的安全感、舒适感、使命感和责任感,提高他们的工作效率和服务质量,使他们全心全意地为顾客提供超值服务,通过他们自觉、高质的服务,全而提高顾客满意度与顾客忠诚度,最终使酒店的经济利益和社会效益得到全面提升。

【Abstract】 The employee of the enterprise is not only a thinking ability " resources ", also is the enterprise survival and development of the most important strategic resources. The staff to create wealth for the enterprise, in a sense, the staff hands also hold the destiny and future. The new century, talent strategy is the most important strategy, because enterprises are facing the competition, the most important is the talent competition in rather than the other. How to effectively develop talent, talent cultivation, talent, retain talent, improve the use of talent, has become of vital importance to all enterprises, become the most important content of the entrepreneur. With the rapid development of economy and the improvement of people’s living standard, the hotel industry has become one of the most rapidly developing industries in China, and the talent is increasingly become a bottleneck restricting the development of hotel industry, therefore, the hotel staff satisfaction with the hotel and the hotel management and other aspects, has developed into a decision whether the hotel can the smooth operation of the focal problem.Based on the Shenzhen Venezia Hotel employee satisfaction as the focus, based on the theory of employee job satisfaction in the domestic and foreign research, through interviews, questionnaire survey, combined with previous research results, designed the Shenzhen Venezia Hotel staff satisfaction questionnaire-" Shenzhen Venezia Hotel staff satisfaction questionnaire ", the choice of Shenzhen Venezia Hotel each Department of235employees, the system application of comprehensive survey methods, and using statistical knowledge of the scientific analysis of the survey, data processing, identify the main problems and causes, Shenzhen Venezia Hotel employee satisfaction and an antidote against the disease, get effective ways and means to enhance the hotel employee satisfaction. After the system of scientific research and statistical data processing and analysis, find the main factors affecting the Shenzhen Venezia Hotel employee satisfaction for the environment and community, leadership and management, pay and benefits, incentive and evaluation, and training in five aspects. We found that, the staff of different departments, different marital status of employee job satisfaction have obvious difference in different. Gender differences were not significant effect on job satisfaction of employees. Similarly, education, age and position difference, the impact on employee satisfaction is not obviousThe paper uses the current domestic and foreign human resources management theories, especially the latest achievements of employee satisfaction, the actual management practice closely Venezia Hotel Shenzhen, put forward the " people-oriented" management guiding ideology, to improve employee job satisfaction as the goal, take the human resource management of investment as the way, have a definite object in view to construct suitable for systems Shenzhen Venezia Hotel, the actual needs of the pay system, incentive mechanism and multiple, strengthen enterprise core value and cultural construction, occupation career planning and management for each employee, improve the fair, fair, public, scientific and reasonable employee evaluation system, comprehensively enhance the staff of the enterprise’s identity and satisfaction degree, increase the sense of security, their comfort, sense of mission and sense of responsibility, improve their work efficiency and service quality, make them wholeheartedly provide over-value service for customers, through them, high quality service, enhance customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, the hotel economic benefit and social benefit is to improve.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F719
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1418

