

Soil Environmental Impact Analysis on Soldification Treatment of Drilling MUD

【作者】 刘了

【导师】 欧阳峰;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 环境工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着四川地区石油天然气资源的不断开发利用,随之也会伴随产生相应的环境污染问题,其中钻井过程中产生的污染物质较为明显,若不经妥善处理,将会造成不同程度的环境污染。钻井泥浆作为钻井作业中产生的主要污染物之一,其含有多种化学成分和不同的理化特性,直接进入环境体系会造成严重的环境影响。本文在分析国内外钻井泥浆的不同处理方式的基础上,结合四川地区在处理钻井泥浆中工艺较为成熟,使用较为普遍的固化处置方法,进而分析其对土壤环境的影响。本文在四川地区天然气开采区域中有针对性的选取了5个具有代表性的井场平台,进行现场调查和固化体取样,并对其固化体浸出液进行实验监测,建立数学模型,将量化的数据利用层次分析法进行定性化,得出5个井场的固化体浸出液环境质量优劣排序,再通过对较差的井场进行土壤环境质量监测,最终分析钻井泥浆固化处置对土壤环境的影响及应采取的相应措施。实验结果表明各井场固化体浸出液除pH有不同程度超标外,其余污染物均能达到《污水综合排放标准(GB8978-1996)》中的一级排放标准。通过层次分析法得出A、B井场的环境影响较大,对其固化池周边土壤环境进行现状监测,均能达到土壤环境质量一级标准(GB15618—1995)。因此可认为钻井泥浆固化处置对土壤环境影响较小。

【Abstract】 The continuous development and utilization of oil and natural gas resources in Sichuan region brings corresponding environmental pollution problems, of which the pollutants produced during drilling are of obvious, which will cause environmental pollution in case of non-proper treatment.The drilling mud is one of major pollutants produced in the drilling operation, containing a variety of chemical components and featuring different physicochemical properties. If it is directly discharged into the environment system, the environment will be seriously impacted. This paper will discuss the effect of drilling mud on drilling mud based on different treatment methods of drilling mud used at home and abroad and in combination with mature and common solidification treatment methods used in Sichuan region for drilling mud treatment.In this paper, five representative well sites are selected in natural gas exploitation area in Sichuan region for site investigation and sampling of solidified body and the leach liquid of the body is tested and monitored, and the mathematic model is established. After that, the sequence of edatope impact of leach liquids from five well sites is obtained by standardizing of quantitative data with analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Then, the edatope impact of solidification treatment of drilling mud and corresponding measures to be taken are finally analyzed by carrying out edatope quality monitoring at the well site(s) with poorer soil environmentThe test results show that all the leach liquids of solidified body from each well site meet Class I discharge standard regulated in the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996), except for unqualified pH value to different extents. Through AHP, it is verified that the Well Sites A and B have a more serious environment impact. However, they still meet the Class I standard regulated in the Environmental Quality Standard for Soils (GB15618-1995). Therefore, it is concluded that the edatope impact of solidification treatment of drilling mud is slight.


