

Study on Accelerated Construction Techniques of Long Tunnel in Complex Geology

【作者】 宋建平

【导师】 仇文革; 刘招伟;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 乌鞘岭隧道是兰新铁路兰州~武威南段增建第二线的重点控制工程,位于祁连山中高山区,属于青藏高原东北路缘构造区,区域内地质褶皱构造和断裂构造发育,分布有F4、F5、F6、F7四条大断层,组成了宽大的“挤压构造带”,隧道穿越区域内较大范围存在复杂高地应力、软弱围岩流变变形等一系列地质难题,属国内外罕见。乌鞘岭隧道工程的主要特点是:高海拔、工程规模大、工期紧、地质复杂、工程难度大。在此背景下,本论文以乌鞘岭特长铁路隧道为工程案例,对复杂地质条件下长大隧道的快速施工技术进行研究,通过研究和总结取得以下成果:1、通过优化斜井断面尺寸,配备适应高原条件、容量大、高效能的机械设备,研制大型通风设备进行高原长斜井通风排烟,选择合理的运输组织以及成套的施工工艺,实现长斜井的快速施工:2、以乌鞘岭隧道大台竖井为例,阐述了施工机械配置模式、井底车场的运输组织模式、高海拔寒冷地区的施工通风处理方式;在此基础上,将整个竖井分为四段,分别采取相应的开挖、支护以及装运技术进行施工,实现深竖井的快速施工3、遵循“弱爆破、少扰动、短进尺、快循环、强支护、早封闭、勤量测”的施工原则,提出了乌鞘岭隧道穿越富水浅埋黄上地层、泥岩夹砂岩地层、砂岩和砂岩夹砾岩地层、F4、F5、F6、F7四条大断层组成的宽大“挤压构造带”等的快速施工技术。

【Abstract】 Wushaoling tunnel is an important key project of Lanzhou to Xinjiang railway Lanzhou to Wuwei south section newly built second line, it locates in the Qilian mountain mid-high area, and it belongs to northeast curb tectonic zone in Qinghai-Tibet plateau. In the area, geological fold and fault structure are developed, there are four big faults F4, F5, F6, F7in the area and they forms a large part of’compressed zone’. In the large part of the tunnel crossing area, complicated high geo-stress, weak rock flowing deformation and a series of geological problems exist, the circumstance of the tunnel is rare. The main characters of the Wushaoling tunnel are high altitude, large size, construction period short, geology complicated, high difficulty. Under such circumstance, based on Wushaoling tunnel, the paper has studied accelerated construction techniques under complex geology situation and summarized three conclusions as below:1. By optimizing the inclined shaft size, providing the mechanical equipment which could adapt to plateau condition and has a high capacity and efficiency, developing a large ventilation device that could ventilate in the plateau area, choosing appropriate transportation organizing and construction techniques, accelerated construction of long inclined shaft is ensured.2. To make Wushaoling tunnel large shaft as an example, setting model of construction machinery, transportation model of shaft station and construction ventilation model in high altitude area are demonstrated. The shaft is divided to four parts, excavation, support and transportation measurements are adopted separately to achieve the fast construction aim.3. Following the "Weak blasting, less disturbance, short footage, faster cycle, strong support, early closed, frequently measurement" rules, accelerated construction techniques across the ’large compressed zone’ consisted of four big faults F4, F5, F6, F7in the well-watered shallow buried loess strata, mudstone folder sandstone strata, sandstone strata and sandstone folder conglomerate strata is established.


