

Design and Implementation of Laboratory Wsn Security System with Patrol Function

【作者】 孙奎全

【导师】 陈向东;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 实验室作为现代化高校的核心和科技创新的摇篮,每年承担着大量的重大科研项目。对于这些重要的研究场所,高标准的安防措施是不容忽视的。当今社会入室盗窃案时有发生,这些案件极大的危害了公民的人身及财产安全。与普通住宅失窃相比,实验室失窃的损失是无法估计的,因为损失的不仅是有价的科研设备,而且还有很多无价的研究成果和论文资料。传统的楼宇安防措施普遍存在发现警情滞后、出警速度慢、布线繁琐以及布防撤防操作不便或易于破解等问题,已经难以满足现代社会的需求,因此,设计一种新型的楼宇安防解决方案是具有一定社会意义的。针对传统安防系统存在的不足,本文提出了具有巡逻功能的实验室WSN安防系统。系统基于ARM9、CC2530硬件平台和Zstack、Linux软件平台开发,通过嵌入式Web服务器和Sqlite数据库使ZigBee网络和Internet网络互联,利用公共网关接口CGI将数据和命令动态嵌入网页实现B/S架构的远程监控。系统特别设计了可灵活移动的巡逻节点以解决传统安防系统中发现警情滞后和出警速度慢等弊端,并为各房间设计无线密码锁以控制布防和撤防。系统还针对设备离网和损坏等潜在异情设计了安全检测机制,以增强其健壮性。论文完成了ZigBee网络节点和嵌入式服务器的软硬件设计。从需求分析、系统结构以及工作原理三个方面介绍了实验室无线安防系统的总体设计。硬件方面基于CC2530芯片设计并实现了协调器节点、监控节点、控制节点以及巡逻节点等ZigBee设备的硬件电路,根据各节点的功能需求具体设计了电源电路、复位电路、JTAG电路、密码锁电路、声光报警电路以及显示电路等。安防无线监控方面研究了ZigBee协议并分析了Z-STACK协议栈框架,基于该协议栈分层框架设计并实现了各ZigBee节点的应用软件。嵌入式服务器方面搭建了Linux软件开发平台,基于该软件平台结合嵌入式Web服务器和数据库服务器技术,通过CGI编程实现了B/S架构的远程监控系统,最后对整个安防系统的软硬件进行了联合调试,测试了监控区域的布防/撤防、非法入侵、节点异常、巡逻节点报警以及远程监控等功能,实验结果表明该系统能够达到预期安防效果,具有一定实用意义。

【Abstract】 Laboratories, as the core of universities and cradle of technological innovation, undertake a large number of major scientific research projects. So a reliable security system and high level safety precautions are essential to those important research centers. The increasing crimes of burglaries cause great harm on people’s life and their property. And if the theft happens in the laboratory, having valuable equipment especially invaluable experimental data and documents, the losses will be incalculable. The traditional security system in the buildings, with disadvantages of complicated wiring, low scalability, low sensibility, slow response and complex operation, can’t meet the demands of people. Therefore, a new design of security system for laboratory buildings is urgent and meanwhile, is of practical utility.This paper, through improving the flaws and vulnerabilities in traditional systems, designs a WSN security system equipped with portable nodes especially for laboratory buildings. Based on ZigBee technique, this security system realizes remote monitoring with the architecture of B/S. It uses ARM9and CC2530as its hardware platform, Zstack and Linux as the software platform. It interconnects ZigBee network and Internet under the technical support of embedded web server and Sqlite. Through Common Gateway Interface (CGI), it embeds the dynamic data into the web pages and realizes its function of remote monitoring. This system designs special portable nodes, carried by patrol security, to solve the problem of low sensibility and slow response. It designs a wireless combination lock to control the protection and removal of the system. Besides, a special detection mechanism, functioning to monitor the performance and alarming abnormal states, is designed to enhance the system’s robustness.The overall system includes the overall hardware and software design of network nodes in Zigbee-based wireless security system and software of embedded server. First, it explains this system in three aspects, namely requirement analysis, system structure and working principal. Then it gives a detailed description of the hardware design of the system. The nodes, used in the CC2530chip, includes coordinator node, monitoring node, control node, portable node and so on. Function-varied circuits are power supply circuit, reset circuit, JTAG circuit, coded lock circuit, alarm circuit and display circuit. In terms of wireless monitoring, it analyzes the ZigBee protocol and Z-Stack protocol stack framework. And node application softwares are designed under its hierarchic framework. It builds Linux development platform and uses embedded Web server and database server. Through CGI programming, it realizes the function of B/S architecture remote monitoring. Finally, it conducts the joint debugging of the system, which includes protection, removal, invasion, abnormal state of node, portable nodes alarming and remote monitoring. The experimental results show that the system is reliable and meets the expectation of security monitoring.

  • 【分类号】TN929.5;TP212.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】100
  • 攻读期成果

