

Study on Fire Smoke Control for Urban Traffic Link Tunnel

【作者】 张志刚

【导师】 付永胜;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 消防工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 城市地下交通联系隧道是一种新型的公共地下交通系统,一般建设在城市核心区域或繁华区域,该类隧道可有效缓解城市地面交通拥堵及充分利用停车资源。城市地下交通联系隧道建筑形式不同于一般城市交通隧道,通常具有主隧道多呈环形、隧道出入口多、交通流量大、坡度较大及断面狭小等特点,火灾危险性更高,发生火灾后烟气蔓延范围也更广。因此,开展城市地下交通联系隧道火灾烟气控制研究,提出合理的烟气控制措施,对于全国的城市地下交通联系隧道火灾防治工作具有重要的意义。本文以某城市地下交通联系隧道为研究对象,采用实地调研、理论分析和数值模拟相结合的研究方法,对半横向通风排烟方式下的城市地下交通联系隧道火灾烟气控制进行了分析研究。本文首先介绍了城市地下交通联系隧道火灾烟气控制的研究现状,分析了城市地下交通联系隧道火灾的原因、特点及火灾危险性;然后介绍了城市地下交通联系隧道火灾烟气数值模拟的基础理论;最后,从城市地下交通联系隧道直线段火灾和弯道火灾两种模式下考虑,采用FDS软件对15MW和20MW火灾规模下不同排烟量和排烟口间距的各种工况进行模拟计算,从中总结了隧道烟气蔓延范围、温度场及能见度场的分布特征,得到了不同火灾规模下合适的排烟方案,并分析了排烟量和排烟口间距对城市地下交通联系隧道火灾烟气控制的影响。通过分析模拟结果,得出了该城市地下交通联系隧道内合理的火灾烟气控制方案和排烟效果;其研究结果可为该隧道火灾救援应急预案的制定及其运营管理提供参考依据。

【Abstract】 Urban traffic link tunnel is a new public underground transportation system, generally constructed in the urban core area or downtown area, such tunnels can effectively alleviate the urban ground traffic congestion and make full use of parking resources. Architectural forms of urban traffic link tunnel is different from the general urban traffic tunnel, which usually has the characteristics such as main tunnel with loop shape, several tunnel portals and exits, big traffic flow, steep slope, and narrow section, and it has a higher fire risk and a wider range of smoke spread when the fire brokes out. Therefore, carrying out the urban traffic link tunnel fire smoke control study and proposing reasonable smoke control measures are important for the whole country’s urban traffic link tunnel fire prevention work.This paper taking one urban traffic link tunnel for research object, analyzed and studied fire smoke control of urban traffic link tunnel with semi-transverse smoke extraction by adopting combination of research methods of on-the-spot investigation, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. This paper first introduced the present research situation of fire smoke control in urban traffic link tunnel, analyzed the fire reasons, characteristics and fire harmfulness of urban traffic link tunnel; then introduced basic theory of fire smoke numerical simulation of urban traffic link tunnel; finally considering two modes of line segment fire and corner fire in the urban traffic link tunnel, this paper presented a thorough calculation on smoke extract amounts and exhaust smoke mouth spacings in the fire scale of15MW and20MW by FDS, and summarized their characters, which included smoke spread range,temperature field and visibility field, also analyzed the effects of smoke extract amount and exhaust smoke mouth spacing on fire smoke control of urban traffic link tunnel.By analyzing the simulated results, we get a reasonable fire smoke control plan and smoke effect. The research findings in this thesis provides a reference for the formulation of the scheme concerning the urban traffic link tunnel’s fire prevention and fire relief and its transportation and management.


