

Research on High Speed Railway Dispatching’s Workload

【作者】 陈峰

【导师】 何华武; 彭其渊;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国高速铁路的迅速发展,高铁安全也越来越受到学者关注。行车调度作为高速铁路列车运行的指挥者,其操作水平直接决定着列车运行的安全性和可靠性。行车调度操作水平的发挥与其工作负荷有着密切的联系,工作负荷过高,则会导致行车调度压力过大,影响其身体健康,并会威胁到列车的安全运行;工作负荷过低,则会导致行车调度对单一轻松的工作产生乏味,造成某些重要信息的遗漏。因此,要使行车调度的工作负荷处于合理范围之内,以确保其操作水平的正常发挥。本文通过对行车调度的工作负荷进行研究,进而基于合理工作负荷对行车调度进行人员配置和所辖调度区段的划分,主要工作如下所示:(1)本文在对行车调度的作业内容和作业过程进行了详细分析的基础上,阐述了行车调度工作负荷的涵义,并从多方面分析了工作负荷对行车调度产生的影响,在此基础上选用了一种适合行车调度的工作负荷评价方法。(2)描述了行车调度的行为及行为特征,在此基础上建立了行车调度信息加工模型,并分析了其信息处理能力。通过去北京铁路局调度所发放问卷收集数据,并运用SHEL模型和层次分析法分析提取了行车调度信息量的影响因素。(3)分析了行车调度工作负荷与所需处理信息量之间的关系,在对其工作内容进行详细分析的基础上,采用任务分析法建立了工作负荷评估模型,并用时段压力系数对所建立的工作负荷模型进行修正。通过实地调研采集数据,统计分析得出了负荷模型中各类操作的时间权值。最后,以京沪高铁调度台行车调度为研究对象,测量评估了他们的全日工作负荷,并用主观评价法进行了验证。(4)采用线性多元回归法对工作负荷值、列车数量和区段长度三者进行了回归分析。接着基于行车调度的合理工作负荷提出了人员配置和调度区段划分的原则及方法,并以京沪高铁调度台的行车调度为研究对象,进行了实例分析。研究结果表明,本文提出的工作负荷评价模型、人员配置方法与调度区段划分方法具有一定的可信度,能有效评测高铁行车调度的工作负荷,并进行合理的人力资源配置。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of our country’s high-speed railway, more and more scholars pay close attention to its safety. Train dispatching as train operation commanders of high speed railway, its operation level directly decides the safety and reliability of train operation. The operation level of train dispatching has the close relation with workload. The high workload will lead to high pressure, affect their health, and would threaten the safety of the train operation. The low workload will lead to train dispatching feel drab for a single light work, causing some important information to be missed. So we need to make the dispatching workload in a reasonable scope, to ensure the better operation level.Based on the reasonable workload, this article makes the dispatching personnel allocation and the division of dispatching section. The mainly work of this paper is listed below:(1) This paper expounds the definition of workload and analyzes the workload on the effect of train dispatching. Based on the analysis of work content and operation process, this paper chooses a workload evaluation method suitable for train dispatching.(2) Based on the train dispatching behavior and behavior characteristics, this paper establishes the model of dispatching information processing, and analyses the capacity of information processing.(3) Analysis of the relationship between workload and information. After the workload of dispatching is classified, the task analysis is taken to establish the evaluation model of workload, and time pressure coefficient is used to correct the workload. Through the field investigation data, statistical analysis of the time right value of all kinds of operation in the load model. Finally, with the Beijing-shanghai high-speed railway dispatching as the research object, this paper make assessment of their full-time workload and subjective evaluation method are verified.(4)The workload value, the quantity of train and the section length are regression analysis by linear multiple regression method. Then based on the reasonable workload, this paper puts forward the principle and method of personnel allocation and division of dispatching section.The research results show that the workload evaluation model, personnel allocation method and division method of dispatching section has certain credibility, can effectively evaluating workload of high-speed railway dispatching, and reasonable allocation of human resources.


