

Problems and Countermeasures of A City’s Construction Bidding and Tender

【作者】 李正勇

【导师】 高增安;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工程项目管理(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 建设工程招投标制度在我国实行近30年来取得了长足的进步,为我国建筑市场健康发展起着极大的促进作用,但在制度建设、实际落实中仍然暴露出诸多问题,亟需推出对应措施给予改进和完善。本文首先对建设工程招投标相关理论基础进行了系统的分析总结,然后基于X市近5年在建设工程招投标领域查处的案件统计分析,分别从招投标环节、招投标相关主体、多环节多主体三方面,对X市建设工程招投标现状进行了深入的剖析,利用现实案例为佐证,详细分析了问题成因,总结出目前存在的问题。最后分别从推广电子招投标、建立完善招投标综合监管体系、加强招标代理市场管理三方面,提出了相应的解决对策。通过对应的改进方案,能够有效避免建设工程招投标问题的发生,营造“公平、公正、公开、诚信”的招投标环境,遏制建设工程领域贪污腐败、串标围标、人为操纵等违法行为的滋生,为我国建设工程招投标制度的发展贡献自己的一份力量。

【Abstract】 Construction project bidding system has made considerable progress in the past30years since being introduced, and plays a great role in promoting the healthy development of China’s construction market. But some defects still exist in the system and implementation, so it is urgent to launch some corresponding measures to get the system being improved and perfected.Firstly, the theoretical basis of construction project bidding get systematiclly summarized. Getting a city’s construction project bidding market as a target, I made statistics about the bidding criminal cases happened in the five years, and analyse the situation in angle of bidding links, stakeholders and multi-link-stakeholders, and summarize the reasons. Finally, I propose some corresponding measures from e-bidding, bidding supervision system and bidding agent market management.These corresponding improvement programs can effectively avoid the problems of construction project bidding, create a "fairness, impartiality, openness, honesty" bidding environment, curb illegal activities like construction corruption, bid collusion and Artificial manipulation,and contribute to the development of the China construction project bidding system.

  • 【分类号】TU723.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】630

