

A Comparative Study on the Reports of the Japanese Earthquake Between China and American Press

【作者】 刘芳

【导师】 杨琴;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 传播学, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 突发事件报道一直是新闻报道的难点和重点,也是对新闻媒体综合素质的极大考验,尤其在这个各种灾难事件频发的时代,如何做好突发事件报道就显得更加重要。本文是在比较新闻学的范畴内,以日本大地震为例,对《人民日报》和《纽约时报》的突发事件报道进行对比分析,从而得出中西方主流媒体在突发事件报道中的异同。本文的比较分析主要从以下三个方面进行:(1)双方新闻业务的对比分析:得出双方在新闻专业技巧上的异同,以及值得借鉴的地方。(2)在框架理论下双方灾情报道的对比分析:得出双方在新闻处理和新闻表现力上的异同(3)双方对国家形象的塑造对比:得出双方在宏观新闻理念和新闻价值取向上的差异。第六章对前几章的比较结果进行了归纳整理,指出了《人民日报》和《纽约时报》在微观新闻业务和宏观新闻理念上的共同点和差异点,是对前几章的升华与总结,指出只有结合中国新闻事业自身的特点并且认真思考中西方差异所在才能推动中国新闻报道的发展。本文采取了多种研究方法对《纽约时报》和《人民日报》的文本进行归纳对比,比较的目的并不是证明孰优孰劣而是为了探讨适合两国新闻事业发展的共同道路,在比较的过程中作者尽量避免由不同的意识形态所带来的情绪化和片面化,和比较过程的肤浅化和简单化。

【Abstract】 The report of the unexpected events is always important and difficult in the field of news reporting, and also a hard test to the overall quality of the press workers. How to write an excellent report becomes even more important especially in the era that disasters happened frequently.This paper is a research in the domain of comparative journalism, and it makes a comparison between the People’s Daily and the New York Times on the report of the unexpected events by taking the Japanese earthquake as an example for analyzing and comparing the mainstream media of china and the West.The analysis can be divided into three parts:(1) the analysis and comparison on the news business to know what’re the differences between the two sides and what wroth to learn.(2)The analysis and comparison on both sides’ Reports on the disaster will show the differences between their news value orientation and news organizations,Based on frame theory.(3) The analysis and comparison on the country’s image building will show the differences between their news idea and expression.This article adopted a variety of research methods to sort out and analyze all the textual materialsiget.The aim of the analysis and comparison is not to chose which one is better but to find a common methodology which apply to both. The writer try to get off the lopsided and emotional opinions caused by the ideological differences so as not to reach the simplistic and superficial conclusion.


