

The Study of Bag-Grouting Pile Applied in Soft Foundation Treatment of Railway

【作者】 唐鑫

【导师】 顾湘生; 吴光;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 地质工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 布袋注浆桩法作为新型的软土地基处理方法,在铁路工程建设中得到了一定的应用,并取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。同时,布袋注浆桩法具有造价低、安全环保、施工期短等特点,使得该法具有一定的推广应用空间。但是,布袋注浆桩加固技术还有许多值得研究的问题,例如布袋注浆桩的施工设备、施工参数,布袋注浆桩复合地基的设计方法、沉降计算方法、地基工作性状等等。本文在归纳总结前人已有成果的基础上,依托某沿海铁路工程和上海地区某既有铁路增建二引工程,通过室内外试验和理论分析,重点对以下问题进行了研究:首先,通过试桩工艺试验和总结工程实践经验,研究了布袋注浆桩的施工工艺,包括施工机具、成桩材料、施工参数、质量控制措施等等,同时对布袋注浆桩的成桩特性进行了一些研究,主要包括成桩质量、桩体强度等方面,验证了施工工艺的可行性,也为布袋注浆桩应用于软土地基加固提供了参考。其次,开展布袋注浆桩复合地基的现场工程试验,通过设置测试断面,埋设相关测试设备,分析了布袋注浆桩加固测试断面的数据,研究了布袋注浆桩复合地基特性。最后,在总结其它复合地基承载特性前提下,对布袋注浆桩复合地基的设计方法做了总结。同时,探讨了布袋注浆桩复合地基的沉降计算方法,并辅以计算实例,进而对布袋注浆桩复合地基的性状做了分析,得出了一些结论。

【Abstract】 As a new treatment method of soft foundation, bag-grouting pile method has been used in railway engineering construction to some extent, and achieved good economic and social benefits. At the same time, bag-grouting pile method has the advantages of low cost, safety and environmental protection, short construction period and other characteristics, the method has great popularization and application space. However, bag-grouting pile reinforcement technology has many problems needed to be studied, such as bag-grouting pile construction equipment, construction parameters, the bag pile grouting pile composite foundation, settlement calculation method, design method of foundation work traits etc.After a summary of the previous work, relying on a coastal railway engineering and an existing railway two drainage project in Shanghai bag grouting pile reinforcement section, through indoor experiment and theoretical analysis, focused on the following issues:(1) First of all, through pile technology testing and summarizes the practical experience, study the bag grouting pile construction technology, including construction machinery, pile material, construction parameters, quality control measures and so on. At the same time, studied the bag grouting pile properties, including the quality of pile, pile strength etc., Not only validation of the feasibility of the construction process, but also provides reference for the bag-grouting pile applied to soft soil foundation reinforcement.(2) Secondly, carry out bag-grouting pile composite foundation field engineering test, through setting the test section and burying test equipment, contrast data of with and without using the bag-grouting pile test cross section, study on characteristics of bag-grouting pile composite foundation.(3) Finally, under the premise of summing up the bearing properties of other composite foundations, summarized the bag-grouting pile composite foundation design methods. At the same time, discussed the bag grouting pile settlement calculation methods of composite foundation, and supplemented by examples, Then analyzed the bag-grouting pile composite foundation bearing capacity, and some conclusions are obtained.


