

Research and Application of Trailers Design Method on the View of Modularization

【作者】 王春琦

【导师】 董时羽;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 艺术设计, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着旅游快速发展,我国公路网系统的不断完善,为房车旅游提供了基础配套设施,为自驾游爱好者尤其是房车旅游爱好提供了创造了极大旅游条件。经济发展和科学技术发展,影响着人们消费模式的选择。在20世纪初兴起于欧美国家高端自驾游形式,成为更多有经济能力人们出行的最佳选择,越来越受到旅游爱好者喜爱,也逐渐成为一种比较普遍的现象。房车作为一种新型的旅游时尚,吸引着全国各地的旅游爱好者。我国经济的迅速发展,为房车的发展打下了坚实的经济基础。人们的多样化出行也为房车的发展提供了良好的基础。拖挂式A型房车以它优越性更加得到消费者的青睐。模块化设计是从50年代开始在国家提出的并且最近几年在发达国家都得到广泛应用和认可的一种先进的设计方法,而且在其他很多行业领域都得到应用。它是时代发展的产物,是市场经济的需要,一个企业生存和发展必须在生产和制造方面取得运用正确的设计方法,才可以达到事半功倍的成效。正确的设计方法可以给企业发展注入新的设计活力。本课题对房车的现状做了研究,在房车中选择家居常用拖挂式A型房车,对其自身的特点做了重要研究,从而指出我国拖挂式A型房车进行模块化设计可实施性以及必要性都做了研究。将模块化设计方法灵活多变运用到拖挂式A型房车的设计中来,而且多模块化涉及的各个功能分区的人机尺寸给出了分析,以及如何将模块化的设计方法与人机尺寸做出完美的结合。最后根据文中的分析和阐述,设计出了一套基于模块化设计的方法拖挂式A型房车的内部的一套完成方案设计。

【Abstract】 With rapid growing in tourism industry, we witness the continuous progress in road network development, which provides relevant infrastructure and new excitement for RV travel and driving travel lovers. Consuming patterns are always affected by economy development and science advancement. First appeared in the beginning years of20th century in Europe and U.S, driving travel turn out to be a new kind of high-level comfort endorsed by the rich. RV travel, as one kind of driving travel, is always a symbol of fashion and fresh. Nowadays, customers in china are having more and more diversities in choosing traveling methods, and A type RV trailer seems to stand out with its extraordinary quality and unusual performance.Modular design, first used in the1950s, recently received wild welcome in developed countries for its wide-range usage and advance methods. Applied in many fields, modular design is chosen by the time, and needed by the market. But only right and appropriate design, which is the necessity of company survival and competence, can help pour new energy into companies and firms.In this paper, we do research in today’s RV, and we pick up A type RV trailer as a role model to exemplify the possibility and necessity of having modular design in RV industry of China. Combining with A type’s unique characteristics, we try to make modular design more flexible and suitable. Furthermore, we attempt to give analysis of every functional part of modular design and raise a question about how to make a perfect mix of human dimensions and modular design methods. And in the last part of this paper, we make a rough plan based on modular design methods to define inner parts of A type RV trailer.

【关键词】 房车拖挂式A型房车模块化房车内室设计
【Key words】 RVtrailermodularroom interior room design

