

Integration of Innovative Selection of Military and Civilian of Defense Technology System

【作者】 陈明春

【导师】 陈光;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放后,民用企业的不少高技术已接近或超过军用技术的水平,并也聚集着不少的优秀人才,对我国或军工企业的技术发展起着至关重要的推动作用。因此,军工企业如何将民用企业的技术和人才优势转化为提高其自主创新能力,是摆在我国和其他国家的军工企业面前的重大课题。党的十七大指出,要走出一条中国特色的军民融合式的发展道路。这必然涉及军工企业的组织和体制的变革问题,即军工企业的发展要同日益技术高技术化的民用企业结合起来,组成一个技术优势互补的国防技术体系:也即军用技术与民用技术、军用与民用人才等的流动,形成一个互相促进的开放式整体。研究军民融合,可以有多个层面。但本文试图从军工企业的结构层面研究军工企业如何利用民用先进的高技术来提高自己的技术能力的军民融合问题。本文主要依据企业的军民通用性和技术的军民两用性方面,对军民技术和人才的融合问题进行了较为系统的分析。提出了技术的军民两用性与企业的军民通用性决定了我国军工企业可以走军民融合之路来提升其军用技术的研制力。论文也以此为研究重点,深入探讨了我国军工企业在借鉴先进国家军民技术一体化的成功做法的基础上,提出了军工企业自建高技术园的方式是解决军工企业在内生技术已达极限的情况下,通过利用外界先进的民用技术来反哺军用的军民融合的较为实际的问题。当前,面临东亚形势日趋复杂的情况下,发达国家纷纷对高技术都采取限制外流的办法。同时,也加大了对军民两用技术外流的力度,这必然推动我国军民企业的军民融合,就必须建立有将民用高技术进行适应性开发转为军用的基地,以形成民用先进技术来推动军工企业的高技术发展的军民技术互动的开放型企业链。

【Abstract】 A lot of high-tech of the civilian enterprises already approached or even exceeded the level of military technology after the reforms, and they possess many talents so that they play a vital role in promoting the development of our country or military enterprises. Therefore, it is a major issue of the military enterprises in China and other countries that how to improve their ability of independent innovation through the transformation of the technology and talent advantage of civil enterprise. From the seventeenth Party Congress, we need to get out of the path of development of a Chinese military and civilian integration. It inevitably involved the change of the organization and institutional of the military enterprises, it means that the development of military enterprises need to combine the civilian enterprises with increasingly to form a defense technology system with complementary technology:it also means that to form a mutually reinforcing open overall the via the flow of military technology and civilian technology, military and civilian talented person, etc..There are more than one aspect to study the civil-military integration. This paper attempts to study the civil-military integration of how the military enterprises improve their technical capabilities use the civilian high technical from structural level. In this paper, the systematic analysis of the technology and talent integration of military and civilian was raised based on the enterprises with dual-use of the military and civilian. It is proposed that the technology dual-use with military and civilian versatility decided military enterprises in China can upgrade its military technology from the road of civil-military integration. As research focus, depth of China’s military enterprises on the basis of the successful practices to learn from advanced countries, military and civilian technology integration, military enterprises self-built high-tech park is proposed to solve the military enterprises, including raw technology has reachedlimit case, to nurture the military through the use of outside advanced civilian technology more practical issues of civil-military integration.Faced increasingly complex situation in East, the developed countries have taken to limit the outflow of the way to high-tech. At the same time, the intensity of the outflow of the dual-use technology was increased, which is bound to promote civil-military integration of military and civilian enterprises in China, it is necessary to establish a civilian high-tech adaptive development to military bases, to form a civilian advanced technology to promotemilitary enterprises of high-tech development of military and civilian technology to interact with the open enterprise chain.


