

Interactive Design and Research of Outdoor Fitness and Recreation Fa Cilities

【作者】 易艳丽

【导师】 黄涛;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 艺术设计, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的进步,人们生活水平的提高,人们的生活方式也发生了变化,对生活质量有了更高的追求,对健康也更加重视,进行锻炼的时间也相应增多。对于一般的家庭来说,由于受到时间、经济能力等多方面的影响,室内健身锻炼受到很多限制,更多的人更倾向室外健身,特别是一些老年人、小孩,对户外健身器材情有独钟。通过对现有户外健身娱乐设施进行调研,发现户外健身娱乐设施还普遍存在很多问题,包括健身娱乐设施缺乏使用须知与醒目的警示标志,健身设施安置方式极为不合理,种类单一,加工工艺粗糙,大人、儿童混用健身娱乐设施等。在问卷、观察的过程中发现大人和小孩一起出行去锻炼的居多,很多时候大人在锻炼,小孩在旁边玩耍;或者大人在旁边站着,小孩在健身设施上玩耍着;或者大人、小孩各自使用不同的健身设施。如果有这样的健身设施,大人和小孩可以同时使用,在共同参与、互动的过程中增进交流,满足人们对情感的诉求。本文以此为切入点,提出户外健身娱乐设施互动性设计。论文通过国内外对比分析,在国内还没有互动性的户外健身娱乐设施,有的也仅仅是很简易的,直接是可以两个人相对着,各自锻炼,不是真正意义上的互动等;而国外的户外互动健身娱乐设施相比较而言成熟些,有两人、多人共同使用的,但是使用对象并没有进行人群细分。操作上趣味性不够、互动性不强,联系不紧密。论文首先结合户外健身娱乐设施使用情况调研的数据,对使用户外健身娱乐设施的人群进行细分,老年人和小孩、大人(成年人)和小孩、大人与大人之间。并结合互动设计的理念,对户外健身娱乐设施互动类型进行分类,概括出户外健身娱乐设施互动性的特点、互动形式。在产品设计的过程中,应以人为基本的出发点,把人与人,个体与个体相互关系考虑其中。本次互动性户外健身娱乐设施设计主要考虑产品形态功能是否能带来人与人之间的互动、产生的互动是否积极。通过调研可以看出组合出行去锻炼的比单人出行的多,而从组合的类型上说,爷爷、孙子,奶奶、孙子这样的组合常见,本次设计针对老年人和小孩,设计出满足它们共同参与的户外互动性健身娱乐设施。通过比较趣味性的、游戏性、体验性的互动健身娱乐设施,让人们在户外、在锻炼的同时增进交流,让之前无生气的健身锻炼变得丰富、有趣,体现了设计的人性化。通过对这一特定组合的设计实践,希望为这一领域的研究设计活动提供一定参考价值。

【Abstract】 Along with social progress, people’s living standards improve, people’s lifestyles change, the pursuit of higher quality of life, pay more attention to health, a corresponding increase in exercise time. For the average family, in due time, economic capacity and many other effects, the indoor fitness exercise subject to many restrictions, more people more inclined to outdoor fitness, especially the elderly, children, the love of outdoor fitness equipment alone minutes.Conduct research on existing outdoor recreational facilities, outdoor fitness and recreat ion facilities prevalence of many problems, including the lack of recreational facilities Use a nd conspicuous warning signs, a fitness facility resettlement is extremely unreasonable, sing le species, rough processing technology,adults, children mix fitness and entertainment facili ties.Adults and children travel together to exercise the majority in the questionnaire, observation, many times adults in the exercise, the children playing in the next; adults stood by, children playing in the fitness facility; or adults and children each different fitness facility. If there is such a fitness facility, adults and children can use to improve communication, to participate in the interactive process, and that nice! This as the starting point, the proposed interactive design of outdoor recreational facilities.At home and abroad, the paper comparative analysis, interactive outdoor recreational facilities in the country, some of them just simple, two people directly opposite each exercise, is not truly interactive; foreignthe outdoor interactive fitness and entertainment facilities compared in terms of maturity, the two shared, but the use of the object and not crowd subdivided. Operation interesting enough, the interaction is not strong, is not closely linked. Firstly, combined with the use of research data in outdoor recreational facilities, outdoor fitness and recreation facilities crowd broken down between the elderly and children, adults (adults) and children, adults and adults. Combined with the concept of interactive design, interactive type classification of outdoor recreational facilities, summed up the interactive features of the outdoor recreational facilities, interactive format.In the process of product design, human basic starting point, people, individual and ind ividual relationships into account. The interactive outdoor fitness and recreation facilities de signed primarily to consider whether the product morphology and function of the interaction between people can bring the positive interaction. Through research that combination than t he single trip travel to exercise more, and from the combination of type, grandfather, grands on, grandmother, grandson of such a combination is common, the design for the elderly and children, designed to meet their to participate in interactive outdoor recreational facilities. More fun, games, interactive experience fitness and entertainment facilities, so that people o utdoors, exercise at the same time enhance exchanges, lifeless before fitness exercise becom e rich, interesting, reflects the design of humanity. For this particular combination of design practice, design activities for the research in this area to provide a reference value.

【关键词】 健身互动人机尺寸老年人小孩
【Key words】 Fitnessinteractivehuman-machine sizeelderlychildren

