

Research on Passenger Flow Assignment of Urban Rail Transit

【作者】 马芳

【导师】 蒋葛夫;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着轨道建设的不断推进,轨道线网规模不断扩大,结构不断完善,轨道网络化运营成为必然的趋势。在“无缝换乘”的网络化运营模式下,乘客出行可选择的路径会越来越多,由于不同乘客对出行路径的综合阻抗理解不同,其路径选择也就更加多样化,更加不易被掌握。为确定乘客出行路径,准确把握乘客出行路径选择行为成为至关重要的环节,这就需要深入分析影响乘客出行路径选择的诸因素。只有确定了乘客出行路径,才能获得较为准确的线网客流分布情况,从而为以后的轨道交通客流预测、运营组织以及不同运营商之间的票务清分提供依据。本文主要研究了影响乘客出行路径选择的各因素,并据此建立了更符合实际的出行综合阻抗函数,为有效路径的选择及客流分配奠定基础。本文的主要研究内容可以概括如下:(1)分析了在城市轨道交通各线路间换乘的情景下,不同换乘方式对换乘时间的影响,为有效路径的确定及客流分配中涉及到的换乘时间的计算提供参考依据。(2)根据轨道交通网络的特点,对有效路径进行了定义,并借鉴以往的有效路径搜索算法,确定了适合轨道交通有效路径搜索的广度优先搜索算法。(3)分析了影响乘客出行路径选择的诸因素,在充分考虑乘车拥挤效应、换乘次数、换乘拥挤延迟时间等影响因素的基础上,建立了更符合实际的综合阻抗函数。(4)以成都轨道交通为例,分别对长、中、短距离OD对在高峰和平峰时段的客流分配结果进行了测算,并在此基础上,分析了乘车拥挤效应和换乘拥挤延迟时间对客流分配的影响。结果表明,乘车拥挤效应和换乘拥挤延迟时间均对客流分配有较大的影响,尤其是对长距离出行来说,影响更为显著。此外,还对有效径路阈值、乘客对轨道交通路网的熟悉程度、换乘敏感度、换乘次数敏感度等进行了灵敏度分析,为实际应用中的参数选择提供参考。

【Abstract】 With the continuous progress of the construction of urban rail transit, the line network has been expanding, and the structure has been constantly improving. The urban rail transit network operated in all the network has become an inevitable trend. The path which the passenger can select will be more and more under the network operation mode of the "seamless transfer". Since passengers have different understandings about the travel path’s composite impedance, the path selection is much more diverse, and more difficult to be mastered. Then it is a vital part to grasp the passenger’s route to determine passengers’routes. So we’ll analysis the factors affecting the route choice in depth. We can obtain the more accurate line network passenger distribution, if only the passenger routes be identified. Then it can provide the basis for the passenger flow forecast, operating organization and ticket clearing between different operators.This paper studies the various factors that impact on the passengers’ route choices. Then a more realistic comprehensive impedance function is established, which lays the foundation for the selection of the efficient paths and the passenger flow assignment. The main contents of this paper can be summarized as follows:(1)This paper analyzes the impact of different transfer modes on transfer time which provides a reference for the conmulation of the transfer time which affect the determination of the efficient paths and the passenger flow assignment.(2)According to the characteristics of the urban rail transit network, the efficient path is defined. And learn the search algorithms for the efficient path to find the breadth-first search algorithm which fits the urban rail transit network well.(3)Analyzing the factors that impact on passenger travel route choice, and establish a more realistic comprehensive impedance function on the basis of taking full account of the crowding effect, transfer times and transfer crowded delay time.(4)The paper calculates the passenger flow assignment proportion of the long, medium and short distance OD in the peak hours of peace-peak hours respectively. And On this basis, it analyses the effects of the crowding effect and the transfer crowded delay time on the passenger flow assignment. The results show that the crowding effect of traveling and the transfer delay time because of crowding has a great impact on passenger flow distribution, especially for long distance travel. What’s more, it analyses the sensitivity of the efficient path threshold, passengers’ familiarity with the network, transfer sensitivity and the transfer times sensitivity which can provide a reference for the selection of parameters in the practical application.


