

Approriate Public Space in Urban Communities in the Context of Population Aging

【作者】 范新浩

【导师】 崔珩;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 人口老龄化对中国社会产生了深刻影响,已经越来越成为国家和社会共同关注的严峻问题,其也给城市规划和建设领域带来了新的挑战。建设部、民政部发布了《老年人建筑设计规范》等相关行业标准,对老年人的住房设计提出了具体要求,但是住房只能为老年人提供一个起居环境,他们也需要走出家门进行社会交往和休闲娱乐活动,而这些活动的开展都离不开其所住社区的公共空间。因此随着人口老龄化的发展,社区公共空间必须提高对老年人的适宜性,为其创造一个安全、舒适、有趣味的活动环境。本次研究以成都市为例,以老年人及其所在社区公共空间为研究对象。通过国内外相关资料的分析和研究,归纳和总结了我国社区公共空间的演变和特征以及老年人在社区公共空间的活动特点。以此为基础从建成年代、公共空间建设情况、建筑层数和老年人主要步行线路与活动场地的结合程度四个方面选择了成都几个典型社区进行实地考察,并针对社区内的老年人进行了采访和问卷调查,总结出样本社区公共空间的布局、环境特征及存在问题,同时结合调研问卷将社区公共空间与老年人在其中活动的特征相联系,得出现状社区存在的问题,并提出相应的改造设计策略要点,引导社区公共空间对老龄化适宜性的提升,增强社区生活氛围,以期为老年人营造更好的生活环境。

【Abstract】 Causing profound influence on Chinese society, aging of population has more and more become the serious problem paid attention to by China and the society, which also brings new challenge to urban planning and construction field. The Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Civil Affairs have issued relevant industrial standards including Code of Building Design for the Old People, in which specific requirements on housing design for the old people were proposed. However, the houses only provided a living environment to the old people. They shall go out to have social interaction and leisure activities. Neverthe-less, these activities must depend on the public space of the community. Therefore, with the development of aging of population, the public space of the community must increase its adaptability to old people and create a safe, comfortable, and interesting activity environ-ment for old people.Taking Chengdu for an example, the paper regards the old people and the public space of their community as the research object. Through the analysis and research on domestic and foreign documents, the evolution and characteristics of public space of Chinese commu-nity as well as the activity characteristics of old people in public space of the community were summarized. Based on this, several classical communities of Chengdu were selected for field investigation from3aspects including foundation year, construction situation of public space, and construction floors. In addition, according to the interview and question-naire with old people in the community, the arrangement, environmental characteristics, and problems in the public space of the community were summarized. In addition, current prob-lems in the community were proposed by connecting the public space of the community with the activity characteristics of old people based on the questionnaire. Besides, corresponding key points for transformation design strategies were proposed to increase the adaptability to aging of population, improve life atmosphere, and create better living environment in the public space of the community.


