

The Construction Process Risk Control of the West Exit Engineering in Zhengzhou Railway Station

【作者】 任之馗

【导师】 耿黎辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 项目管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,建设工程领域蓬勃发展,为施工企业带来了良好的发展机遇。施工企业在建设项目施工过程中,以质量控制为立足之基石,以风险控制来规避、弱化风险,不但能在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟,而且还能占据主动和优势,具备更强的市场竞争力,在市场的优胜劣汰规则中胜出并不断发展壮大。风险控制在施工企业项目管理中具有举足轻重的作用。施工企业在项目实施过程中进行有效的风险控制,能够使施工过程控制方向明确化,过程有序可控,减少风险率,降低风险水平,保证工程项目顺利实施,从而使企业在施工过程中控制好施工质量,规避风险,减少损失,提高利润,增强企业市场竞争力。本文以施工企业的立场,以郑州枢纽郑州车站西出口工程在项目实施过程中的风险控制为例,论述了项目风险管理中施工企业采取的常规措施,同时分析了郑州车站西出口工程风险控制措施。西出口工程施工过程中,项目部根据工程分阶段、分时期、分部位实施的特点,在采取常规风险控制手段的同时,对不同时期可能存在的风险以“攻关”式的方式进行克服和控制,最终达到了控制风险的目的。全文共分四个部分,第1章是绪论,介绍选题背景、依据及本文研究的目的、意义及主要内容。第2章介绍了施工项目风险控制的相关理论,阐述了风险控制的含义、目标和必要性,同时介绍了风险辨识、评价、分析及风险应对的相关理论。第3章论述了施工过程中常规风险应对及控制措施。第4章介绍了西出口工程的背景、工程内容及特点,同时阐述分析了西出口工程“攻关”式风险控制策略和具体的实施措施。

【Abstract】 During recent years, the construction engineering field is growing vigorously, and it brings good developing opportunities to the construction companies. During the project construction, the construction company shall take quality control as its footstone, and control risks to void and reduce risks, which can provide the company with a place in the marketing competition, and also bring initiative and advantages to the company, to assist it with more powerful market competitive force. All of the above will make the company survive in the cruel competition, and become stronger and stronger. Risk control plays a fundamental role in the construction project management. Risk control can promote the company to take a scientific and rational decision making, reduce the decision-making risk, and increase the decision-making quality during the project construction. It can guarantee the smooth operation and increase the economic benefit of the construction.This paper, from the standpoint of a construction company, an example of the risk control in the project implementation process of Zhengzhou west exit railway station, the conventional measures of construction enterprises in the project risk management to take, and analyzes the Zhengzhou west station export project risk control measures. The construction process of west exit project, the project department according to the engineering phase, period, partial implementation characteristics, taking conventional means of risk control at the same time, in different period of possible risks to overcome and control to ’research’style, eventually reaching the risk control purpose.There are4chapters in this paper. The first chapter was the introduction which first introduced the research’s background and basis, and then the purpose, significance and the main contents of this study. In the second chapters, some related theory about the construction project the risk control were introduced respectively, and the meaning, target and the necessity of risk control were elaborated. The third chapter discusses the construction process of conventional risk control measures. The fourth chapter introduces the background, content and characteristics of the west exit engineering, and elaborates the west exit project "research" risk control strategy and measures.

  • 【分类号】U291
  • 【下载频次】41

