

Research of Wheeled Electrified Water Washing Vehicle of the Overall Plan

【作者】 王佩

【导师】 于兰英;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 机械电子工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 牵引变电所是电气化铁路的关键设施,牵引变电所使用很多高压电气设备,这些电气设备在长期的连续运行过程中,因大气中漂浮的各种尘垢、金属盐类、油污等综合污染物,沉积于各种电力设备的外绝缘表面(主要为绝缘子),在雾、露、雨、雪等天气下,绝缘强度会急剧下降,极易造成污闪事故。近年来,由于环境恶化,大气污染日益严重,大面积污闪事故在全国范围内频频发生,因此定期对配、变电设施上的绝缘子进行清污工作,是变电站必不可少的基本工作。过去主要是断电后人工擦洗。随着铁路发展向更高的目标迈进,靠人工清扫手段开展防污闪工作已经不能适应要求。开发高效安全的带电水冲洗设备越来越必要和迫切。本文提出一种轮式带电水冲洗车方案,该设备主要针对所有变电站电压等级为110kV以下的绝缘子进行清洗。设备利用高电阻率的压力水柱进行绝缘子的冲洗,具有无需中断供电、清洗效果好、工作效率高、安全可靠等特点。本文提出轮式带电水冲洗车方案主要包括了底盘和工作装置。工作装置主要包含动力系统、传动系统、水冲洗系统、水处理系统及辅助装置等。本文通过对总体方案及其动力系统、传动系统、水冲洗系统、水处理系统主要构成部分的分析与研究,为整机的研制奠定了坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 Traction substation is the key facility of electrified railway, using a lot of high voltage electrical equipment in substation. With the continuous operation in the process of long-term these electric equipment, due to the air in a variety of floating dust, metal salt, oil and other comprehensive pollutant. Deposition in various power equipment external insulation surface (mainly for the insulator), in the fog, dew, rain, snow and other weather conditions,the insulation strength will drop sharply, extremely easy to cause the pollution flashover accident. In recent years, due to the deterioration of the environment, air pollution is increasingly serious. The accident of pollution flashover of large area occurs frequently in the national scope. Therefore, a regular basis with variable insulator of electric facilities for cleaning is the basic work of substation essential.The past is mainly manual cleaning after the interruption of power supply. With the railway development to a higher goal, relying on manual cleaning methods cannot meet the requirements of anti-pollution flashover. The development of efficient and safe charged water washing equipment is more and more necessary and urgent.This paper proposes wheeled electrified water washing solution consists of the chassis and the working device. Working device mainly consists of power system, transmission system, water system, water treatment system and auxiliary equipment. Based on the overall scheme and its power system, transmission system, water system, water treatment system mainly analysis and research, and laid a solid foundation for the development of the whole device.This paper proposes the design of a kind of wheeled charged water washing machine, The water flushing vehicle mainly within the voltage level is below110KV insulator cleaning. It which uses pressure water column high resistivity of insulator, has no need of power supply interruption characteristics, good cleaning effect, high work efficiency, safety and reliability.


