

Design and Development of Navigation Based on Augment Reality and Android Platform

【作者】 赵世震

【导师】 苏驷希;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电子与通信工程(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 增强现实技术,也叫做混合现实,是随着虚拟现实技术的发展和实际应用需要而出现的一种技术。增强现实技术并不是一种新兴业务,最早源于20世纪60年代末。因为其具有虚实结合、实时交互以及三维注册的特点,所以主要是用于扩展真实世界的信息,用以增强人们对于所看到景致获取更多的信息。基于位置的导航信息服务在现代信息服务中占有非常重要的地位。无论是出行旅游,外出就餐,还是因公出差,都需要用到导航信息服务。但是现有地图形式的导航信息方法直观性不强,需要用户识别地理方向的问题。在智能手机出现以前,户外增强现实的产品都需要庞大的设备,携带非常不方便。因此,大多数用户无法体验到基于增强现实的导航功能。智能手机,这种带有摄像头的移动设备成为了户外增强现实技术实现的良好平台。并且,智能手机的计算能力越来越强大,并且具有GPS和陀螺仪,已经越来越适用于研究户外增强现实技术。在智能手机上开发户外增强现实是比较前端的一门技术。在国外,很多名校和公司都在积极的开发研究。而相对国外,国内对这项技术的研究并不是太多。因此研究这项技术具有非常重要的理论意义和技术背景。本论文主要的研究目标是实现一个基于Android平台的增强现实导航应用软件平台。根据增强现实的特点,采用Eclipse+SDK+ADT进行软件开发。该软件实现了基于增强现实技术的导航信息服务方法。软件的主要功能主要有增强现实导航、地图浏览、搜索和放大缩小显示增强范围等等。本文主要论述了基于增强现实的导航应用信息服务所涉及到的理论和方法。还主要描述了Android增强现实导航应用客户端的实现方案,包括项目研究背景,增强现实导航客户端的需求分析、Android增强现实导航应用客户端的开发设计和具体的开发过程、Android增强现实导航应用客户端的功能测试和性能测试。

【Abstract】 Augmented Reality technology, also known as mixed reality, emerges with the development of virtual reality technology and needed on practical using. It is not a new business, which originated from the late of1960s. Because of its character of combination of the reality and virtuality, real-time interaction and3D registration, it is mainly used for expanding the real world information. The real world and the virtual information are combined seamlessly together. So it can enhance people get more information from their views.Location-based navigation information service occupies a very important position in the modern information services. But existing navigation information based on maps requires users to identify geographic direction. It is not intuitive. Before the smart phones appear, the outdoor augmented reality products all need huge equipment and users carry it very inconvenient. Therefore, most people cannot experience the navigation function based on the augmented reality.With the emergence of smart phones, the mobiles with camera immediately become a good platform for outdoor augmented reality technology. And with the smart phones which have GPS and gyroscopes inside becoming more and more powerful, smart phone has become more and more applicable for studying outdoor augmented reality technology. Developing outdoor augmented reality application on smart phone is a front technology. In other countries, many famous schools and companies are in active research and developing. So research on outdoor augmented reality based on smart phone has a very important theoretical significance and technical background.The main goal of this paper is developing a navigation application based on Android platform and augmented reality. According to the characteristics of augmented reality, the author develops this application using Eclipse, SDK and ADT. The function of this application is navigating based on augmented reality, map browsing, search and zoom. This paper also discusses the theory and method of the augmented reality. It also describes the implementation of the application includes the project background, users need analysis, development and design of the client application, functional testing and performance testing.

【关键词】 增强现实导航Android基于位置服务
【Key words】 Augmented RealityNavigationAndroidLBS
  • 【分类号】TP391.9;TN929.5
  • 【下载频次】689

