

Research on "Weiboer" under the Environment of New Media

【作者】 周添

【导师】 曾静平;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 传播学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网新媒介的出现和发展,其互动性、参与性、个人性、公开性都对社会生活产生了重大的影响,重新定义了我们生活的这一时代的文化。而新媒介时代最引人注目的媒体便是“微博”,它具有鲜明的草根、自主、互动以及融合特征,掀起了人类社会生活的大革命,使得许多人走向了“被微博控制的生活”。微博自诞生以来就受到热烈欢迎,尤其是Twitter网站的出现,更是在全球范围内掀起了第一轮的微博潮,从平民到政府、从草根到明星无人不微博。白此,微博的这一网络新贵迅速成长为一匹不可小觑的黑马打败了众多媒介巨头,杀入互联网竞争的第一线。本论文从媒介环境学视野下研究微博这一媒体与人的关系,分析基于微博平台的用户使用习惯、信息索取情况以及互动关系情况。利用定性和定量的分析方法,得出了微博用户在信息索取、人际关系等各方面对微博的深度依附,从而得出什么是“微博人”、“微博人”的行为特征以及“微博人”现象对人和社会的影响,并通过以上分析衍生至以“微博”为代表的新媒介环境对人、社会、文化的影响,从而提出在新媒介迅速发展的今天如何进行媒介化生存的建议。论文的主要结论在于,微博使用者中间有一部分人群,甚至是一大部分人群,他们将微博视为“生活必需品”,使用手机和电脑上微博的时间占据了日常生活中很重要的一部分;他们的信息来源多为微博,有取舍的获取微博信息;他们利用微博积极的进行人际互动,维系原有关系、拓展新的关系;他们对微博上的名人动态和观点不同程度的追逐现象,满足自身需求。这类人群与传播学中所研究的“电视人”、“容器人”类似,都是由于媒体的出现和发展对人的心理生理产生影响的一种现象,属于“媒介依存症”

【Abstract】 With the emergence and development of internet new media, our society along with our life have been effected by its interactivity, publicity and participativity, and for most of us those influence may hidden but still huge. However the most conspicuous element of this new media age is "Weibo", which is representing the new digital life of independent interaction and convergence, and people said that’s the world of the "grass roots"."Weibo" may have started a revolution of our social life, many people now is being abducted by this new media.This paper mainly researches the relationship between media and human being which used some theories of media ecology. Firstly this paper analyzes the habits of people who use Weibo platform, meanwhile I have used some quantitative methods to get to know how those kind of people get information and how they interact with other people in this platform. Through all those work, I can draw some conclusion that there has been a kind of people exist that we can call the "Weiboer", then this paper describes what exact a "Weiboer" looks like and how they behave in new media age. Therefore we can see how the new media which is represented by Weibo media can affect people’s life and our society.The most primary and important conclusion of this paper is that we know there is one specific kind of people who now using Weibo and believing that Weibo is a necessity for their life. For the most of their daily time, they are using their mobile. PCs or tablet to use Weibo media. They get information from Weibo, they meet friends there while they also familiar with some strangers there, they like to interact with people on the contrary they may not like to talk to people in reality. Furthermore they are following a lot of celebrities on the Weibo media, unfortunately they do not trust anyone else but famous people on Weibo. Those kind of people are just like the "Couch Potato", they all got sick with so-called "Dependence of media".


