

Research on the Improved Tam Introducing Self-Construal of3G

【作者】 许婧

【导师】 张爱华;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 信息管理与信息系统, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 中国电信行业已全面进入3G时代,电信运营商大力推广3G服务,但3G市场发展的关键因素在于消费者是否愿意使用3G服务。因此,如何甄别影响消费者使用3G服务的关键因素成为了一个极具现实意义的研究课题。在综述前人对新技术接受意愿研究的基础上,发现消费者接受新技术时不仅受到新技术的易用性、有用性等因素的影响,还会受到消费者自身特质的影响。因此,在研究3G服务的接受意愿时,本研究主要聚焦消费者的自我建构特征,在技术接受模型的基础上,引入自我建构变量作为调节变量,建立3G服务接受模型,并通过实证研究的方式开展了以下两项研究:(1)研究影响消费者接受3G服务的关键因素;(2)探讨消费者表现出的自我建构取向是否对3G服务接受模型中变量间的关系存在调节作用。本研究采用问卷调研的方式收集数据,共发放450份问卷,收回有效问卷398份,并采用SPSS17.0和Lisre18.70对数据进行因子分析、信度分析、效度分析、结构方程模型以及多群组分析,得到以下主要结论:(1)自我建构作为文化差异在个体层面的体现对3G服务接受模型具有显著调节作用。对于依存型自我取向个体来说,主观规范对3G服务使用意愿的影响更强;对于独立型自我取向个体来说,感知易用性、感知有用性、感知成本对3G服务使用意愿的影响更强。(2)感知有用性对消费者的3G服务使用意愿具有显著的正向影响。(3)感知易用性和主观规范对感知有用性具有显著的正向影响,并间接影响3G服务使用意愿。(4)现阶段,消费者对3G服务的感知成本不会影响其使用意愿。基于以上结论,本研究从用户体验、营销方案、3G资费三个维度提出了3G服务推广的管理建议。

【Abstract】 Telecom industry in China has completely entered the3G era, and telecom operators are actively promoting3G services.But the key factor in the development of3G market is consumers’willingness to use3G services.Therefore, how to identify the key factors affecting consumers to use3G services has become a research topic of great practical significance.Based on previous researches about acceptance of new technologies,we found that consumers’ acceptance of new technologies was influenced not only by new technologies’ factors(such as ease of use, usefulness), but also by the consumer’s own characteristics.Therefore, this study mainly focuses on consumers’ self-construction characteristics. Basing on the technology acceptance model,we introduce self-construal as a moderator, and build3G service acceptance model.By an empirical study we conducted the following two studies:(1)Study the key factors affecting consumers’acceptance of3G services;(2)Explore the effects of self-construal as a moderator on3G services acceptance.This study used a questionnaire to collect data. A total of450questionnaires were distributed and in which398questionnaires were valid. SPSS17.0and Lisre18.70were applied to analyze these data,through factor analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, SEM and multiple group analysis. The conclusions of this study are as below:(1)The relationships in3G services acceptance model are modified by self-construal.(2)Perceived usefulness has positive and significant impact on consumers’ willingness to use3G services.(3)Perceived ease of use and subjective norm have positive significant impact on perceived usefulness, and indirectly effect consumers’ willingness to use3G services.(4)At this stage,perceived cost of3G services will not affect consumers’ willingness to use3G services.Based on these conclusions,this study discusses and offers several management recommendations for the development of3G services from user experience, marketing and tariff.


