

Engineering Design for the TD-LTE Network Planning

【作者】 汪陈

【导师】 王卫东;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电子与通信工程(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 TD-LTE (Time Division-Long Term Evolution)技术是3G移动通信技术向4G移动通信技术演进的过渡技术,是一种准4G技术,又叫3.9G。 TD-LTE技术结合了OFDM和TDD技术的优势,相比于2G和3G技术,TD-LTE技术有效提高了系统容量和频谱利用率。TD-LTE最大支持20MHz带宽及100Mbps的最大下行数据传输速率和50Mbps的最大上行数据传输速率。在空中接口方面,TD-LTE采用了OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)技术,并结合多输入多输出(Multiple Inputs Multiple Outputs, MIMO)技术,有效提高了系统容量和频谱利用率。TD-LTE网络建设在世界范围内正如火如茶般的开展起来,中国国内的运营商也不甘落后,中国移动当前正在大力推动TD-LTE网络的发展和建设,并积极开展试验网测试工作。当前,正是一个TD-LTE网络建设的高峰期,因此,TD-LTE网络建设前的网络规划是一项重要工作。但由于TD-LTE系统在网络架构和空中接口方面都与2G、3G系统有着很大区别,相对于以往通信系统网络规划方面的丰富经验,TD-LTE网络建设规划可以说是一项新的工作,需要在实践中不断的探索。本文首先介绍了移动通信系统的发展背景,进而引出TD-LTE技术,并介绍了TD-LTE近年来国内外的发展和现状,之后又讨论了TD-LTE系统的帧结构和关键技术,并结合相关技术,研究了TD-LTE无线网络规划中的一些技术要点,分析了TD-LTE网络规划中与覆盖和容量相关的因素,最后,以ANPOP网络规划软件为工具,结合实际案例,详细设计了一套完整的工程规划方案,并对初步方案结果进行分析,针对覆盖不足、小区总吞吐量不达标和小区边缘吞吐量不达标等问题,提出了解决方法,通过仿真软件实现利用这些方法一步一步达到工程需求,为实际工程建设提供一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 TD-LTE is a transition technology as3G evolution to4G. TD-LTE is known as quasi-4G communication technology or3.9G technology. Compared to2G and3G, it combines the advantage of OFDM and TDD, so it improves the system capacity and spectral efficiency. TD-LTE’s maximum specified bandwidth is20MHz, and it provides downlink peak data rate of100Mbit/s and uplink peak data rate of50Mbps. TD-LTE has used OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing technology in air interface, and combined with MIMO (Multiple Inputs Multiple Outputs) technology, they improves the capacity performance and spectral efficiency.The construction of TD-LTE network is raging worldwide. China is not far behind, as China Mobile is trying to push forward the construction and development of TD-LTE network. Now, the construction of TD-LTE network has entered a peak period. So, the network planning is seriously significant.However, Relative to the reach experience from the network planning of conventional communication system, TD-LTE is very different from2G and3G in network architecture and air interface, the planning of TD-LTE network construction is new, which needs to be explored continually in practice.At first, this paper introduces the historical background of mobile communication system and the improvement of TD-LTE. Secondly, the paper discusses TD-LTE’s frame structure and key technologies, at the meanwhile, with relative techniques, the paper studies several technical points of TD-LTE wireless network planning and analyses the factors which are related to coverage and capacity in the planning of TD-LTE network. Based on what are introduced above, combining with the actual cases, the paper uses ANPOP network planning software to design a whole project planning solution in detail. Then, the paper analyses the preliminary results, and puts forward to several ways to solve the existing problems, such as less coverage, substandard cell total throughput and cell edge throughput. Finally, with simulation software, the paper uses these solutions to fulfill the requirement of the project, the results is useful for practical engineering construction.

【关键词】 TD-LTE网络规划ANPOP
【Key words】 TD-LTEnetwork planningANPOP
  • 【分类号】TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】248

