

Research and Implementation of Context-Aware Applicational Middleware for Mobile Terminals

【作者】 汪平伊

【导师】 赵晶玲;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 移动智能终端的普及和网络技术的成熟,促使了移动互联网智能终端应用的发展,也为移动应用能够有效地利用上下文感知技术,提供更受用户青睐的个性化服务创造了条件。但是要开发移动终端上下文感知应用,仍有许多困难需要解决。在移动终端平台上,每个传感提供的上下文都需要进行实时地采集、处理、监控分析,不仅加大了开发者的工作难度,也对移动终端的处理能力带来了挑战。此外,由于移动终端操作系统和屏幕分辨率各异,一款应用难以不加修改地在不同的移动终端平台下兼容运行,从而制约了移动应用的快速开发和部署。为了降低移动终端上下文感知应用开发的复杂度,本文设计了一种移动智能终端上下文感知应用中间件,用于解决终端上下文信息的集中处理问题以及应用的跨平台兼容问题。本文分析了上下文处理系统的研究现状,结合移动终端平台的特点,设计了中间件系统的架构。中间件的上下文处理模块,屏蔽了上下文信息的处理细节,对终端传感提供的上下文数据进行集中地采集、存储、聚合、分析,在加快上下文感知应用开发进程的同时,降低上下文处理对终端带来的能源消耗。此外,中间件的界面自适应模块,结合BAE引擎特性,解决了以Web技术开发的移动应用在Android、 OMS、Symbian等不同移动操作系统,不同分辨率终端下的适配问题,实现了移动应用的跨平台兼容运行。最后,本文通过移动Widget上下文感知示范应用的开发展现了中间件的性能,并对中间件的研究工作进行了总结和展望。

【Abstract】 The popularization of mobile terminals and the maturity of internet technology facilitate the development of mobile internet smart terminal applications, and create an environment for designers to provide users with more personalized services by utilizing context-aware techniques effectively. However, developing a mobile context-aware application is still a complex work that would encounter many problems. In the mobile terminal platform, the context data provided by each sensor needs to be analyzed in time by applying different mechanisms of context acquisition, context processing and context monitoring. The whole analyzing work not only increases the developer’s burden, but also challenges the mobile terminal’s processing capability. Moreover, due to the diversity of mobile operating systems and screen resolutions, application could not achieve cross-platform deployment with no changes of source code. All of these factors restrict the development and the deployment of mobile applications. In order to reduce the complexity of creating mobile context-aware applications, this paper proposed a context-aware applicational middleware for mobile terminals to enable context centralized processing and solve the cross-platform compatibility issue.This paper analyzed the context-aware related research work and the characteristics of mobile terminal environment, and then proposed the architecture of the middleware system. The context processing module of the middleware hides the context processing details, which involve of context acquisition, context storage, context aggregation and context analyzation. It facilitates the development of context-aware applications, while reduces the energy consumption on smart terminals. Moreover, the interface adaptive module of the middleware built on BAE engine enables the widget applications to be adaptive on different terminals with diverse screen resolutions and operating systems (like Android, OMS, and Symbian) to achieve cross-platform deployment. At last, the performance of the middleware is evaluated by developing two context-aware widget applications. And the future research plan is discussed.


